Thank u for all posts , her grandma which is my mother-in-law lives with us, to grandma, eating is a big deal, her main concern is how much kids eat, if kids don’t eat, she will try her best to force them. She would let them do whatever they want, including playing toys, watching TV, walking around in the house, as long as they eat. Most of the time I feed my lo myself, but when she refuses eating, her grandma will give her something to play with, it does make the feeding much easier. I don’t remember when the habit (playing toys) started, when I noticed it, it’s already too late, my lo won’t eat without playing.
when I told grandma that this is not a good habit, her response is :don’t tell me that, I took care of my own kids and my other 3 grandkids , they all grow up well. I could try to train my lo now, but I won’t have any control after I go back to work which is pretty soon, that’s why I am posting here and wondering what’s the tolerance in other families, what’s the exact reasons that normally we don’t let kids play while eating, I need strong support to convince her grandma, otherwise she feels like I am picking on her.
Regarding my lo’s food, I am working on getting her back to sip cup, and looks like there is progress. other milk? Just whatever she gets from my breast which is can’t be calculated. Thanks again for food recommendation, great ideas.