My LO is on day 2 of the 2-1 nap transition. Yesterday he fell asleep in the car for about 15 minutes, so our day went like this:
6:45 WU (bf around 5:30)
8:45 breakfast
11:15-11:30 nap in car
12:00 lunch
12:30-2:45 nap
Today, however, went like this
7:00 WU (bf 5:45 one side, 7am other side)
8:15 breakfast
11:15 offered lunch - refused
11:30-1:30 nap
1:30 offered lunch again - refused
My questions:
1) he really struggles with eating breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is usually offered around 8am, but he won't actually eat anything until 9/9:30. Do I offer it at 8am only and then nothing until lunch?
2) he's too tired even by 11:00 to eat lunch, and then when he wakes up, likely because he's still tired as he's just transitioning to one nap, he still doesn't want to eat. What do I do here? He's a very picky eater to begin with, but even his favourite foods are thrown on the floor if he's not interested.