Author Topic: Help...6months eating solids+waking at night  (Read 1751 times)

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Offline tlk_tweety12

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Help...6months eating solids+waking at night
« on: October 17, 2013, 13:23:59 pm »
My LO is 6months old, he is on a 4hr EASY. He has had reflux since birth + has been on zantac at 3weeks with dose increases based on weight, I also have to give gripe water at times to settle. The pediatrician suggested rice cereal to help with reflux at 4months which we started + by his recommendation to start solids thereafter. We were a little apprehensive at first but he had never steered us wrong. Post starting cereal my LO was going a week with no BM so pedi said instead of suppository give prunes or prune juice. Since we had just been establishing the cereal twice daily approx. 2tbsp each feed we thought prunes would be a good first food which I mixed in with his morning cereal (BMs eventually came) We have been introducing new foods on a weekly basis+he now just recently eats 2tbsp 3times a day (once we started feeding him he just wanted more+more) my husband+i cannot eat in front of him without him freaking out because once he sees food he thinks he should eat. Here lies the problem my LO used to sleep through the night + is now waking at different times hungry, will not settle until I feed, he is only BF no formula so it is hard to see how much he is taking in t/o the day but feeds are still same in length if not longer (4feeds @ 7ish,11ish,3ish+7ish with 2230DF, which I was trying to cut out+now not so sure) he settles after feed but I am just wondering what I can do to get back to sleeping through the night...I was thinking maybe growth spurt bc of the age but not sure, he hasn't broke any teeth although I'm quite certain he is teething. Should I be decreasing the solids? He goes to sleep on own + can settle himself as I hear him sometimes at night...any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated:) Thanks

Offline tazz

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Re: Help...6months eating solids+waking at night
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 06:24:55 am »
Hi there, apparently there is a big growth spurt at 6 months so most likely would be that.  I would think that if you can hear him in the night resettle on his own but then other times needs a feed that would suggest hunger is the cause.  I will give you a suggestion which many people might not agree with.  This is what what I was told with my second child.  Becuase you started solids at a young age then you need to move introducing the next range of solids earlier, so when DD2 was around the 6 month mark and getting hungrier they said she was ready for protein and carbs so instead of veges for dinner I gave her pureed meat and maybe some rice ceral or pasta (she started solids at 4 1/2 months on advice from CHN)  Aparently the protein helps them settle for longer, it worked for me but maybe see how you go or what other people have to say.

Offline tlk_tweety12

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Re: Help...6months eating solids+waking at night
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 15:06:33 pm »
Thanks so much for your advice, I tried 3tbsp of cereal prior to bed and he didn't wake until 645 this morning so I will maybe try that for a bit