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dropping nap and early waking
« on: October 17, 2013, 17:34:39 pm »

  I have written messages on these boards at various difficult times through my son's life and have always found help and comfort and now I'm back looking for some more.

  My son is 33 mo. old and for the last 8 weeks has been trying to drop his nap.  He used to wake up at 6 am, nap from 1-3 and then go to bed at 8 pm.  It was great.   But then he stopped napping.  He'd just stay up in his room running around, jumping on and off his bed, rocking in his rocking chair, etc.  I tried moving the nap later and earlier, no go.  After about a month of this and him throwing a fit about taking a nap, we started quiet time, where he would lay on the couch and watch t.v. instead of napping.  That seemed to work well for a few weeks, but lately his wake up time has been creeping up earlier and earlier.  He now goes to bed at 6:30 pm (and is out like a light).  He would wake at 6 am, then it became 5:30, then 5, now it is consistently 4:30 am.  I am exhausted.  He is exhausted.  He is so tired, I don't understand why he won't sleep.   I tried to put him for a nap today b/c he is so tired and he is up there screaming and crying trying to get out of his room. 

He is an fully independent sleeper, in a toddler bed.  His pediatrician said to move his bed time later, to 8 or 9 pm.  I've never had luck with him taking on sleep in the morning, only with an earlier bedtime.  I don't know that with our work schedules we can get him to bed earlier than 6:30, but I can try.  He shows no signs of illness, just being tired and cranky.  Eating well, normal otherwise.  He's never slept in the car, even when he was a baby, we drove 6 hours and he didn't sleep once. 

 I leave him in his room in the morning from when he wakes up until 6:30, he just talks to himself for 2 hours. 

Do you think I should try the later bedtime like the Dr. recommended?  Earlier bedtime?  Just ride it out?  Is he going to be damaged in anyway from not sleeping like this?  I feel like I am hurting him b/c he is not sleeping, but I don't know what to do.

Please help!
Thank you!

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Re: dropping nap and early waking
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 22:16:33 pm »
Wow I could have written your post!  I also have a thread running and I'm afraid I'm not going to be any help other than to offer hugs from someone in pretty much the same position.  Same age, very similar routine/naps and nights pre-nap drop, both of us tired.  Mine is having multiple NWs, often long and at times not going back to sleep at all.  The difference here is mine will nap in the car but it's as much a curse as a blessing, bound to be messing our routine up.
I tried to put him for a nap today b/c he is so tired and he is up there screaming and crying trying to get out of his room. 
I get that you were desperate to get him to sleep, same here.  In my desperation I invited mine to go up to my bed with me for a nap, I just mentioned it casually over lunch - didn't think for one second he would say yes, he has never slept in my bed (a handful of times when he was very very ill he slept with me but it wasn't because he wanted to sleep with me it was because he was so ill he needed to be close to me, neither of us slept well at all), and then he said yes!  I didn't really know how to react because all I could imagine was a very difficult 30 mins or so of him crawling all over me whilst I got increasingly irritated before finally giving up, however I'd already invited him so I had to go through with it, and to my utter amazement he just got in bed, held his lovey and snuggled down to sleep! he slept 2hrs, broken but very little movement or resettling at each wake up. I even managed to get a little nap myself - amazing.
So, I suppose I'm just saying, maybe try it, just once.  He likely wouldn't want to do it every day or every week, but for a one off catch up now and then it might help - if you can talk him into it.

Personally I wouldn't move BT later.  Mine also doesn't tack on in the morning, only with earlier BT. I've been doing 6.30 BT until this week I am trying 6.00pm.  If we have no joy I'm going to go back to 6.30, then maybe 7pm but not later, I just see that causing more problems.

Sorry I can't be of any proper help, but hugs, it's hard hey when you end up so tired!

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Re: dropping nap and early waking
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 22:56:52 pm »
Thank you!  I think that I really needed to hear that I was not alone.  It seems like no one understands how difficult it really can be and I start to feel like I'm all alone and it's never going to get better. 
I am going to try the napping together suggestion next week.  Our nanny who watches him on the days I work suggested that today too, so I think I will try it.  I know I sure could use the nap! 
The late bedtime thing doesn't seem right to me either, but let me know what happens with you guys. 
He is sleeping about 10 hours per day right now and I know that is not enough.  I worry that this is going to harm him physically or developmentally in someway, but everyone (family/friends) tells me not to worry.  I think it's because when they see him he is stimulated and happy, they don't see the cranky meltdowns over nothing that I get to deal with.
 I will be thinking about you and can't thank you enough for your response.  It helps so much to talk to someone who understands.  I hope things get better for you quickly.  I know this will not be permanent for either of us, but that's not so easy to remember at 4 in the morning!

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Re: dropping nap and early waking
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 10:38:50 am »
Oh, lots more hugs!!!  I'm sorry I don't have any great practical advice, maybe someone will come along with more experience of this age for you.  Hope so.

You are certainly not alone though and yes it isn't going to last for ever. We can both be sure of that.
yeah it's so hard for other people to understand just how bad the melt downs or night wakes are when all they see is a happy boy, playful and full of energy.
I know you said it's hard to get him down earlier for bed with your work schedule etc, if you are able to try even once it may help considerably.  Something crazy early like 5.30 or even 5pm (I've done it before and it has helped), then the early wake time shifts to more like 3am which is an easier time to resettle to sleep. Once they get close to 4.30 or 5am it's a really hard time of night for our bodies to go back to sleep. If it totally backfired the following day would be very long but that might actually make him more willing to have a nap, even a late one, 4ish for half an hour or so.
I know the worry about them needing their sleep for development etc, you must try not to worry about that though, sleep is like food, we can set up the right environment, offer a healthy routine, but if they refuse to eat or sleep we can't force them.  They have to do it themselves.  If he gets OT enough the chances are he will crash out at some point and his body will just take the sleep it needs to catch up whether he likes it of not.
You might want to have a look at his level of stimulation through the day too.  Mine does a bit better with sleep if I reduce mental stimulation (he is so into numbers and letters his brain just never switches off) and give more physical gross motor stimulation which 'rests' his mind a bit but gets his body tired.  Perhaps you can talk to your child minder about this, ask for more gross motor play, trips to the play park, running etc rather than books or counting or whatever mental play he likes.  Mine had his best phase of sleeping when we spent 3hrs per day on gross motor activity.  I find it hard to offer him that much.

Good luck with the nap-with-mummy invite. Hope you get a little sleep yourself too. xx