OK, so my baby girl is 5months. Unfortunately I am kicking myself as we've fallen into the trap of doing way too much to 'make her sleep' and I don't know how to get out of it. We started using a Joey pouch for naps to stop her hands from flailing and scratching her face, although it still allows movement. At night we use the love to dream zip up swaddle. She's starting to roll a lot so I need to watch her like a hawk if j try putting her down to see how she goes getting to sleep herself, but we always end up going in and rocking/singing/holding to sleep. It's getting harder because when we put her in her cot, she's upset and crying again. This is for naps during the day.... We're putting her down in her cot and at night she sleeps in a travel cot in our room. At night our routine is go into our room, put PJ's on, dim lights and bf (at which she falls asleep) then put her into her cot, zip up swaddle and that's usually her for 4hrs when she's up for a feed, down for 3-4 hours, feeds then down fir an Hour or two. She's always in bed between 6.30-7pm. I need to get her out her swaddle.... Tried and failed miserably, and also need to help her learn to put herself to sleep but not sure if she's still too young. Would luv help because I am frazzled. Every nap every day is a battle and I've only managed to get her to sleep if I let her sleep on me or if I take her out in the car. Can anyone help?