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Offline hels78

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So many causes, so little time!
« on: October 21, 2013, 20:40:42 pm »
Hi all

I would be grateful for any advice anyone can offer as I am struggling to make sense of anything at the moment!!

Our daughter is 23 weeks old (2nd child, also have a son who is 3 next month). As a baby, she was so much easier than our son. Both exclusively breastfed, from the age of around 6 weeks she was putting herself to sleep, self soothing when necessary (thumb sucker) and sleeping 11-12 hours at night. Very good feeder (I fed on demand, no schedule) and very content throughout the day, never cried. Not even when she woke after a 12 hour sleep! She just laid there waiting for us!

A couple of weeks ago this all changed. She is now not so content, feeding a lot throughout the day, no more self soothing, feeding herself to sleep in the evening, and waking up 3 times throughout the night. The other thing I should mention is her poo habits. From around 6-8 weeks she started pooing just once a week and I know this is not uncommon. However the last few times it has been going over one week, the last being 11 days. She passes so much smelly wind and is clearly uncomfortable in the days leading up to a poo. I have seen the nurse several times and they don't seem concerned, I have been given lactulose but don't want to make a habit of her needing that to poo.

I don't know where to start. We didn't discover the baby whisperer with my son until he was 6-7 months. He didn't sleep day or night but responded quite well to pu/pd and started to sleep. I need to introduce EASY with my daughter but I don't know whether to start with a 4-6 month routine as she'll be 6 months in just a few weeks. Should I go straight to 6 months? Could the waking up be from hunger or teething with I definitely think she is doing. She doesn't have a dummy and isn't about to. When she wakes in the night she has been making a shouting type noise rather than crying but she will cry eventually. I'm afraid because of how loud it is, (she's in the same room as us still) and that I don't want her to disturb husband and son, I have been feeding her back to sleep. So is she waking out of habit now? We have also been trying to give her a bottle of formula this last week as I need to go back to work full time (nights) very soon. She has had bottles of EBM over the last 3 months (about 4 or 5) and took to them no problem. But now she is refusing the bottle, EBM and formula. If the waking is because she's hungry I don't know how to get more milk into her during the day or before bed without a bottle feed. Plus she'll start weaning soon and that's going to throw another spanner in the works.

I am rambling now, sorry! There are so many reasons as to why this has all gone pear shaped and I don't know where to start. I am completely shattered and not thinking straight! I don't know how to go forward! Any suggestions please?

Offline brummum

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Re: So many causes, so little time!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 19:13:30 pm »
She is now not so content, feeding a lot throughout the day

how often was she feeding before as oppose to now?

I don't know whether to start with a 4-6 month routine as she'll be 6 months in just a few weeks. Should I go straight to 6 months?

Has she got herself into some sort of routine? What does a typical day look like for you at the moment?

Could the waking up be from hunger or teething with I definitely think she is doing.

Have you tried medicating or any other teething remedies? Does that help at all? I can't imagine she is waking out of hunger if she has been sleeping through for so long and is feeding more frequently than normal during the day. I'm guessing she is waking for other reasons (e.g. discomfort, routine issues) and has developed a bit of a prop with needing to be fed back to sleep.

We have also been trying to give her a bottle of formula this last week as I need to go back to work full time (nights) very soon.

Did the current issues start before you introduced formula or do you think there could be some connection there?

My gut feeling is that somethings bothering her if she has gone from being such a brilliant sleeper to the difficulties you are having at the moment. Could she be brewing something? has she got any history of reflux or food intolerances?

Sorry that all wasn't much help, just trying to get a better picture of what could be going on.

Offline hels78

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Re: So many causes, so little time!
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 21:27:03 pm »

Thank you for your reply.

We have never had a routine with her. From 6 weeks she began sleeping through the night and several day time naps. This continued right up until a few weeks ago. I'd put her to bed 6-7pm, after a feed, put her down awake and she'd go to sleep on her own. She'd wake at 6-7am and just lay there babbling to herself until we got up! Feed wise, I've always fed on demand. But she'd happily go 3 hours between feeds, especially if we were out of the house. When this changed, it seemed to come on very quickly. She is waking at least 3 times a night, and when I feed her (a habit I got into to make her go back to sleep) she feeds like she's starving! During the day she now feeds probably every 1 1/2 - 2 hours which at 6 months I know is too often. When I pick her up if she's restless or crying she's always looking to feed. She'll nap in the morning and usually has a good 2 hour nap, but not always. And trying to get her to nap in the afternoon is rarely successful.
Trying to introduce the formula was after all this started. She has had bottles of EBM in the past and took them no problem but refuses them now. We have tried bottles and cups of both EBM and formula but she is point blank refusing it. She'll get herself into a real state if we persist so haven't forced the issue much yet. But we need to as I really have to get back to work and I also need a break from it. I want to keep feeding her, but just have a formula feed of an evening.
Haven't tried any teething remedies, she has the toys to chew. She has her fists or a toy in her mouth most of the day! But I wouldn't say she is unwell or show any other signs like red cheeks etc. As for reflux, I don't think so. She has always brought up more milk than our son did, but from what I have read of reflux, I don't think she has had that.
I just don't know what to tackle first. Waking once a night I could handle but 3+ times is exhausting. :(

Offline brummum

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Re: So many causes, so little time!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 20:39:04 pm »
She's nearly 6 months right? Have you thought about starting to introduce solids? You could try posting on the bottle feeding board for suggestions on things to try to get her to take a bottle?

She is waking at least 3 times a night, and when I feed her (a habit I got into to make her go back to sleep) she feeds like she's starving!

I was wondering if maybe she's developed a bit of a feed to sleep prop but if she is taking full feeds then sounds like she's definately hungry. Is there anyway you can space her feeds back out during the day? Sometimes little ones can get into a habit of 'snacking' and not taking full feeds if they are feeding that frequently during the day and therefore end up hungry.