Author Topic: Turned fussy overnight?  (Read 1709 times)

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Offline eva026

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Turned fussy overnight?
« on: October 31, 2013, 19:06:26 pm »
As the topic says, DD has all of a sudden decided she's a picky eater and we don't know what's hit us.
It's been a week so far of her eating maybe 1/4 of what she used to and even that is a huge performance. Foods she used to love she either pushes away or dumps them on the floor. Even when she likes sth she'll eat a few bites and decide she's done and start spitting.
 She has always been a great eater, loves veggies etc and would always try a bite of sth before decideing if she likes it or not. We did BLW so she always went at her own pace and can now use a fork and spoon on her own. Do I just ride it out and hope she wont starve or is there a chance she will become one of those kids that spend 1h over a bowl of cronflakes in the morning? That's like my worst nightmare!!

What do I do when she starts throwing things around and spitting? I've been saying no and taking away that food but then offering many alternatives in the hopes she'll take a few bites of things and eat a semi-full meal but then I don't want her to think she can always hold out for sth better, ykwim?

Today she ate 1tblsp cereal, 2 pits of pear for B
snack 1 tslsp cottage cheese and pushed it away, 6 tsp of veg soup and then the rest went flying,
lunch was spag bol and that she spat out after 4 bites, tried beans which she loves but she didnt want any
Dinner I made her an omlette she ate a few bites and spat it out so I made pancakes instead and she had a tiny bit but only with honey on top.

it's been pretty much the same for the last week. DH is loosing patience and I have to count to 20000 at every meal too
Tell me this will end soon:(

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 21:02:20 pm »
I would say teeth, brewing illness, or just a phase.  It happens here occasionally.  My take on it is children won't let themselves starve so I keep offering the normal amount of normal food that know she would eat when 'well' (for want of a better word).  If she starts throwing it I just take it away, no fuss, maybe something like "oh I see you must be finished because you are throwing your food" - but not getting cross.  Then offer what I would have offered for dessert anyway e.g. a yoghurt or fruit (try to stick to healthier things if appetite is low).  But nothing extra.  No alternative for main course and no extra pudding.  No extra snacks either, just the usual.  If she gets hungry she will eat - if not at this meal then the next.

I know it can be stressful but I think it helps to have the mindset of 'I'm not going to get into a battle about food'.  I very much see my job as providing DD with a varied and nutritious diet and the opportunities to eat it.  It is not my job to make her eat it - that's up to her.  If she eats, fine, if she doesn't, also fine.  Children are so quick to pick up on when we are stressed and the last thing you want is for this phase to become a long-running battle as you said. 

Offline eva026

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 21:26:09 pm »
Thank you, it makes me feel better to hear it from someone else:)
It is turning into a battle already, so from tomorrow I have to take a hold of myself and calm down.

So no offering alternatives at all? UUhh it's not going to be easy. Esp when I know she's hardly eaten all day. Last night she woke hungry so we gave her milk, that hasn't happened is ages! We don't really do desserts besides fruit and a bit of cake at grandmas or when out. You think just fruit is ok?
What on earth goes on in these little heads?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 13:08:55 pm »
Who knows?!!

Yes it's hard when LO hasn't eaten much all day, but often it's the not eating at one meal that actually stimulates their appetite enough to have them eat better the next time.  Or the next day.  What goes in during one 24h period is less important now than what goes in over a week or a fortnight. 

For example a day last week DD completely refused her lunch, wouldn't even look at it.  I took it away and gave her the yoghurt I'd been planning for pudding which she ate.  She then asked for more so I offered the first course back to her (ie not something new, just what I'd offered the first time) which she then had a couple of spoons of before refusing again.  But she then went on to eat a bigger tea.  And ate well the next day, not so much the day after. 

I'd try to avoid starting a milk at night habit again though - that can become tricky very quickly.  I would hold off if you can, yes LO might be a bit hungry but it won't hurt for one night and she will learn that if she's hungry she needs to eat properly ;)

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 16:30:26 pm »
DS used to eat A TON! He loved food and would eat anything and everything offered. A few months ago (maybe the summer), he started eating a lot less at meals, won't eat as much of the foods he liked, takes longer to finish a meal, etc. I think it's becasue before he was growing so much so fast that he needed to eat more, but that slowed down now. He also plays more at the table so he's distracted more. He still eats ok, but not like he used to. So a change in eating patterns is definitely partially developmental.

We keep his dinner on the table for a long time and sometimes he will come back to finish eating, and sometimes he will eat more if I spoon feed him a few bites or just put the food on his fork and hand it to him. I don't like doing this, but I will if he really hasn't eaten much.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 17:09:06 pm »
Dinner is a battle for us, he eats virtually nothing and lasts at the table about a grand total of 5 minutes.  He also went through a spurt a few weeks ago where he was hardly eating anything at any meal (though I blame that on molars). 

It's probably just a phase Eva, Ben goes in and out of them all the time.

Offline eva026

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Re: Turned fussy overnight?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2013, 07:30:41 am »
Thanks ladies, I hope so. It's been over a week of this already and her trousers are getting too big around the waist. If she wasn't such a skinny girl to start with I think I'd be more relaxed.
Yesterday went I bit better. I tried to be more relaxed and kept her away from DH at mealtimes because he gets angry and it just turns into a power struggle:(
I actually got her to have a proper dinner of pumpkin soup by putting it in shot glasses so she could drink it that way instead of using a spoon...omg the things we do

It's definitely better when I am calmer though, she does pick up on my stress