Our clocks went back last night here in Canada and I need some help for C today. She is 13.5 months and we are in the middle of the 2-1. Most days our day looks like this
wu 7
nap 12:30-2
bed 7
Yesterday we had an EW but I held her off until normal nap time and she had a broken nap but still 1.5 hours. We had a party to go to in the evening and I was hoping she would sleep on the way home however, she fell asleep on the way there from 5-5:15 the would not go down for the night until 9pm!!!!! Then woke at her regualr time of 6:45 but with the clock change it was 5:45. I ap'd the heck out of her to no avail and kept her in her room in the dark until 7 am (new time). If you are still following, what should I do about naps today? She is very OT from yesterday so I was hoping for 2 naps.