Author Topic: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline ellenjess

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Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« on: November 08, 2013, 23:17:04 pm »
My little one wakes every 1-2hrs and has for about 2 months now. Previously he did 4-8 hrs. I'm quick to go to him because I don't want him to wake my toddler but have noticed that once he's crying he won't resettle. He wakes more often but sucks his fingers to go back off. I need to take the plunge and shhpat at night even though he'll cry til he gets it. I need hubby to help, hence the research!

Should I pick a time like feed at 4hrs and shhpat otherwise? I don't know if this will confuse him?

He is a bad napper , has some good days though and occasional good nights but they are very rare these days.

A typical day is
E 530 night feed
Wu 730
E 830
S 930-1015
E 12 (later clashes with nap)
S 12.15-2.00
E 3.50
S 415-5
E 630
S 645/7
NW 930, 1130, 130, 330, 430, 530

He has a lovie during settling but ignores it during nw's. He is breastfed and has gaviscon for mild reflux during the day but isn't sicky at night.

I hate how snappy I am with toddler and how I'm starting to resent baby. He is adorable during the day but I dread the nights. I just can't figure out why he wakes so much and can't resettle. I'm so tired I feed a lot at night or cuddle if it's been rediculosly short since last waking. Once he's crying though there's no chance of a self settle. Family are on at us to visit and stay over but I daren't and I'm almost embarrassed that he sleeps so badly. Feeling very inadequate.

Thank you

Offline Violet's mom

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Re: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 01:44:18 am »
Do you think his reflux is acting up at all at night?  Maybe try giving him his meds before bed?  So are you feeding him all of those night wakings?

I'm going to suggest a couple things - maybe try adding a feeding in during the day (my LO is breast fed and woke more at night if she didn't eat enough during the day)? 

Maybe a touch less a time?  Could he be OT?  His am nap is a little short.

Also, what does he do if you don't go to him quick?  I would agree with you that he probably has come to expect and want you during the night so maybe shh pat is necessary. 

Wish I could be more helpful!


Offline ellenjess

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Re: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 20:51:36 pm »
Thanks violetsmum . I only just read your reply but actually ds had an extra feed today, just the way it worked out, so maybe that will help. I've started mixing formula with his gaviscon too so he's having about 4-5oz of formula over the day too.

I'll give the shorter A a whirl tomorrow and see if that nap gets any longer.

I don't feed at every NW. I feed at the first, maybe the second if there's been at least 2 hours, then attempt a cuddle /rock resettle the times after until there's been 3 hrs or so. Sometimes I do just feed though cos I'm so tired and I can at least sit and snooze.

The one day recently when he had 2x 2hr naps he had a much better night so you could be right about the ot thing.

Do you think it will confuse him if I feed at 4 hrs but shhpat otherwise (at night )?  I suppose I could start there then shhpat every 4.5 then 5 etc see how he copes?

Offline Violet's mom

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Re: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 21:03:20 pm »
No as long as you are giving him what he needs he won't be confused.  I would work on the OT and hopefully that will help.  And if he has a bad day nap wise it wouldn't hurt to try for an early bedtime.  Also, keep in mind that if he only has a 45 min nap then his next a time should be a little shorter.  My LO was a terrible napper at that age and I often ended up with 4 catnaps!  Crazy right?  But it helped her nights. 

Hope you can get some sleep - it's not fun being a tired mommy!  Sending hugs your way!


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Re: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 21:42:56 pm »
Just a thought - it could be the reflux causing discomfort during the night, frequent night waking can be an indicator of discomfort. Gaviscon doesn't do anything to reduce or neutralise the acid, it really is only a thickener to stop him refluxing the milk back up.

Does he seem to be in discomfort during the day at all? It may be worth speaking to your Dr about a trial of a med to help the acid, ranitidine is usually the first port of call.


Offline ellenjess

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Re: Shhpat or feed? 4mo awake every 1-2hrs
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2013, 09:07:18 am »
Thanks guys. , I really appreciate  your comments.  I muted the baby monitor last night by accident which meant I only woke when he fully cried.  Hey presto, we both slept better!

I think there are a combination of factors at play - me rushing in quickly, him used to me helping him , and something waking him. I will definitely look into the  acid/meds tip, thank you. It makes sense. We're about to buy a new radiator for his bedroom in case the noisy heating is waking him - desperate or what?!

Today we are having a shorter A, extra feed and early bed plus I'm going to mute the monitor again!!  Thing is, dd has a party today which is going to mess up ds naps. It's so hard to meet the needs of both kids. Stay home and baby is happy, go out and toddler is happy.