DS has been waking up around 2-4 am for the last few nights. I do not know if he is going through a growth spurt or its a developmental thing.
When I go in to settle him initially, he's wriggled his body around his cot and he is lying horizontally across it. I reckon as he's just started to learn how to roll onto his front, he's been trying to practice this at night. However, after wriggling about I think he then realises that he's hungry and refuses to settle until I move him back vertically across his cot AND I give him milk. He will take a full bottle (250 ml) and sleep until 7am.
I've tried settling him for 30 mins to no avail before we give up and give him the bottle. We need advice if we should stop giving him the bottle and continue to try to settle him or let him CIO. However as he takes a full bottle is this a growth spurt? This is he's routine.
E 7am - milk 150 - 200ml
E 8am - brekkie 0.5 cup cereal with fruits
S 9.45 am - nap 1.5 - 2 hours
E 11am - milk as above
E 12.30pm - Lunch 0.5 cup vegies with cereal
S 2.30 - nap 1 hour
E 3.30pm - milk 100 ml
E 5pm - dinner 0.5 cup meat and vegies
E 6/6.30 - milk 100 - 200 ml
S 6.30 - 7pm bedtime
I need to know if we should stop these night feedings or maybe start a dream feed or something else.