Hi there,
you've invented your own abbreviation! I've never seen HTTJ before as a thing, but I may well use it again!
I know HTTJ and sh-pat can seem like you're doing all the work, but it is in fact teaching LO about how to stay asleep (HTTJ) or how to get to sleep. Personally, I held through the jolts only at the beginning of the nap - so I'd sh-pat and get him into the cot asleep and then just hold my hand on there til I'd seen and/or felt the jolts. Then I'd cautiously lift my hand and beat a retreat. That worked fine with my guy, he would get through the rest of the nap pretty well on his own from there. And the day came when he let me know that my help was no longer needed!
It is natural for them to stir as they work through the phases of sleep, but it may not be necessary for you to sit there with him, once he's through that first one. Try it and see.