Author Topic: 2 year old timings?  (Read 815 times)

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Offline hevasimpson

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2 year old timings?
« on: November 16, 2013, 15:11:59 pm »
Hi there

My 2 year old has recently moved up a room at nursery so I'm aware he is probably still settling in.

He was going down for a nap sometime between half 12 and 1 for 2 hours, going to bed at 7 and waking up at 6.

The new room were going to nap at 1, but he wasnt falling asleep until half 1 and waking up at 3 and in turn then waking up at 5 instead of 6. We asked them to keep him going for a nap at half 12 - this in turn means he falls asleep at quarter to 1 til about 3. When that's happened he as in turn slept til 6.

The last week though he has gone to bed at 7 but chatted to himself for up to an hour and we've had three 5am wake ups.

I'm trying to understand if this is over or under tired? Is he know at an age where his bedtime should be a bit later - the nap thing I genuinely think he needs to go down at half 12 otherwise it feels like you've missed a window. Hubby thinks bedtime should become half 7 - I genuinely don't know. I guess how many total hours should he be sleeping?

We do start our day early - half 6 is the latest he can get up in the week so 6 I clock wake up is reasonable! It's the 5 am ones that take their toll!

Any tips appreciated

Offline HenaV

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Re: 2 year old timings?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 19:56:33 pm »

At 2y, My DD was doing 2h in the day and 11.5/12h at night. She i think it average bordering on HSN.

I think that the change at nursery may be having an effective and may be affecting your naps. Also there is a developmental thing (language for us) at 2y which played havoc with our routine.

I think that you should go with your gut. If you think that 12.30 (capped at 2h) and 7pm BT are right then that os what you should do. I now that all Los have different sleep needs, but to me based on what my LO is like, what you are suggesting is appropriate.

If you suspect that you may be going through a wonky period because of nursery or developmental stuff, I wouldn't tweak - I would do what I can to stay consistent and manage the sleep to avoid OT.

What do you think? What's your gut feeling?


Offline hevasimpson

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Re: 2 year old timings?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 04:29:33 am »
Hi Hena

Thanks so much for replying. Yes my gut is to not mess with the nap at all for now - I did try myself putting him down ten minutes later last weekend and he didn't fall asleep til 2! So pretty sure he needs to stick with the set nap time.

I also do think he's had a development leap - it feels like he's grown up for want of a better word and yesterday he asked to use a potty and actually used it - he's been asking for a month but never done anything.

I will stick to the 7pm bedtime for now and not change anything until I know he's settled in at nursery etc - your post have confidence that's the right thing to do - thanks so much again for taking the time to reply :-)


Offline HenaV

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Re: 2 year old timings?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2013, 08:16:04 am »
You're welcome my lovely. And good luck!!

Oh, if the naps do go wonky, don't be afraid to EBT to help him manage iykwim?

Got everything crossed for you xxx