Thanks, maybe I should have tried the normal time of 12.20 I kept her up until 13.00, and she did not want to, just cried, so I tried in the car and she fell asleep from 13.45-13.55 (because she woke up when I put her down in her crib.) I left her in there for a good while but she was just unhappy. I ended up just putting her to bed at 6.05 pm. So 6 am to 6 pm basically with 2x10 min naps. Will see how she does tonight.
I just feel like I wasted the whole day trying to get her to nap, staying home and driving around. She always takes her naps in her crib. If it happens again, I almost feel like I should just forget about the nap and go do things we normally can't to because of her usual nap from 12.30-14.30... She would probably get a 20-30 minute car nap at some point, which would be more than today. Do you always try to do it at home?
Thanks again.