I know better this time round (BW DS3) that A times are guidelines and to follow the pattern rather than the time frames.
I've been trying to follow his cues but perhaps I've been putting down to late. I give him a good 20min wind down, swaddled, dummy etc in his quiet room (away from his two big brothers) but always seem to end up having crying spells and unsettled naps. THe backpack seems most successful. Once asleep at night, he's no dramas with a few night feeds (BF) and maybe the odd grumping spell I associate to either wind or lack of daytime sleep.
However, I was wondering, is it possible that at 5 weeks he'd be happy with 30-45min a rather than 1hr+? The reason I ask, today after a first morning backpack nap, I fed and he was falling asleep... so I woke him with a nappy change and put him down for (a little grizzle) but 1hr+ nap all by himself. I fed at 2hr30 cos he seemed hungry but then after a nappy change, I just felt like he could go again so down he went and he's slept for 1hr45 or so. it's also been a pretty nice day in terms of his siblings not being *right up in his face when he's awake* either...
What do you think? I got hardly any at all crying putting him in early - could he have been OT'd???