I too would steer clear of cereal in a bottle. If you genuinely think he's hungry, than I would feed formula, not solids. Like BLW suggests, table food is purely for practice, not much nutrition or calories. An entire jar of baby food is usually only 20 calories, so while he may *feel* full, he'll expend 20 calories quickly and not really get a whole lot of nutrition from it.
There is a guidline I found The Super Babyfood book, that I kind of had in the back of my mind when feeding my kids. I'd never use this as a hard and fast rule, but it's just something that kind of gave me an idea of how much my little guy should be getting in a 24hour period. The book says a 6-9 month old baby should be getting 50 calories for each pound of weight and Formula contains about 20 calories per ounce. Ultimately, I tried to just watch my little guy. In my total non expert opinion, I think the fact that Asher shows hungry signs before he eats, and is happy/satisfied afterwards, would say that you're on the right track and for now, just follow his lead.