Author Topic: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY  (Read 950 times)

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Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« on: December 01, 2013, 19:19:42 pm »
I need some serious help. My daughter is 5 months old now. She was extremely unhappy the first 2.5 months of her life. I kept taking her to the dr. because I knew something was wrong. She was very unhappy during and after eating and gassy. I finally got a diagnosis at 2.5 months that she had a tongue tie. We have since clipped/cauterized  it 3 times -- it keeps growing back. She doesn't eat a lot at a time because of this and therefore she doesn't sleep regularly either.  She is breastfed through the night and a mix of breast/bottle throughout the day but always breast milk. Her typical bottle feed is 3 oz but it takes the entire 2 hrs wake time to get it down her. She just isn't a good feeder.

There really isn't a typical day for her which makes it so frustrating.

Between 12am-1am wakes to feed
Between 2am-4am wakes to feed
Between 5am-6am wakes (not generally very hungry) usually has a bowel movement
If it's closer to the 6am hour, I just keep her up for the day. If she wakes closer to 5am, I try to put her down again although it generally takes 30 or so minutes.

Upon waking I have started with a teaspoon or so of rice cereal, maybe some fruit. Then following up with milk. She isn't a very good eater yet.

I have been keeping her up for 2 hrs wake time.
Her naps are 25 min - 2 hrs depending on the day with absolutely no consistency.

We have tried sweet potatoes and squash for evening, but again she doesn't take much yet.
She is totally exhausted and ready to go down between 6:30-7:30pm. She will usually do a 5 hr stretch but sometimes it's less. Again no consistency!

This experience has been very trying for me as my son was textbook. He slept through the night at 3 months and ate with absolutely no problems. Would love any advice to get me on the right track with her!!

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Re: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 22:35:42 pm »
Where in the world are you?  Some places deal with TTs differently than others.

I'm not an expert, but the length of those feeds is quite long.  What size teat are you using for the bottle feeds?  How long are the BFs taking?  Any pain for you now?  Just wondering if the tongue tie hasn't been dealt with adequately.  Especially as you're saying solids are difficult too :-\
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2013, 00:01:24 am »
I am in California.

Sorry if I didn't communicate clearly. The feeds are only 15-20 minutes at night maximum. Those ranges I put were her wake times at night.

I had to start her on a preemie teat as she choked with the size 1. She really has trouble suckling. I used the preemie for about a week and then graduated her to size 1 which we've been on now for 1.5 months.

Her BF's duing the day are fast as well -- 5-10 min max. Only one side. She can't eat a lot at a time. Or perhaps she turned in to a snacker because of her early start.

I was in pain at first -- got scabs and everything but now i've callused over and with my high pain tolerance don't notice much anyway.

Maybe it's time to go to an ear nose and throat doctor??? My pediatrician did the first TT procedure. Pediatric dentist did the next two. When she eats solids she sucks the food out of the spoon instead of working it down with her tongue...

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Re: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2013, 19:52:43 pm »
By five months old DD never took longer than 5-10 mins for daytime breastfeeds and perhaps just a touch longer at night - and she was completely fine.  LOs get very efficient at breastfeeding as they get older.  What makes you think her feeding isn't adequate?  What is her growth like?  Does she have plenty of wet nappies and poops?  Is it just the length of her breastfeeds that worries you?

2h for a bottle is definitely too long though - I would agree she probably needs a larger teat by now.  Perhaps she just doesn't like the bottle as much as the breast?  It's not uncommon for breastfed babies to prefer mummy to a plastic teat!  There might be some useful info here though: Breastfed babies and bottles

Her sleep issues could well be routine-related or related to props rather than her feeding.....did you want to post your routine to see if we can help?  How does she fall asleep normally e.g. Rocking, paci, on the breast, independently?

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Re: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2013, 21:20:15 pm »
Agreed that length of BFs is normal for her age.

Regarding the solids, LOs who have puree by spoon sometimes don't manipulate food well with their tongues as they have become accustomed to food being delivered further into the mouth or they suck from a spoon because sucking is what they know best. How does she do with finger foods that she can put into her own mouth?
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Tongue tie, doesn't eat normally and EASY
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 00:42:07 am »
She really reminds me of my son... we had very similar issues.

How did they clip the TT? With a laser?  I had my DS's TT clipped three times as well with a laser and then a 4th time with scissors from a Dr specialized in TT finally worked permanently. It changed everything in his feeding habits. Is there a chance of getting a second opinion if you think the TT is still an issue?