Honestly, just ride it out
This is so so normal for a newborn, most of them have really fussy periods in the evening for the first few weeks of life and it isn't necessarily anything to do with what you have or haven't done in the day.
(((Hugs))) on the lack of sleep though. It's a matter of survival in the early days and you might have to think about changing a few things in your normal routine to maximise rest for everyone. Can you and your husband take turns to settle her in the evening so one of you can get a good stretch of sleep? You say she sleeps well in the day - can you nap when she does? What about getting yourself to bed earlier and letting your husband do the evening feed once in a while (if you are giving bottles), or at least look after her until she is due a feed if you are breastfeeding?
Congratulations on your LO!