Author Topic: 2 month old feeding issues  (Read 1965 times)

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Offline ri23ta

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2 month old feeding issues
« on: December 13, 2013, 18:24:05 pm »
My baby is 10 weeks. She was 8lbs and 13 ounces at her month check up. We are heading to her 2 month check up today. We have been experiencing some issues with her during feeding. She has been taking only 2 ounces on average since we brought her home, the only difference is she was on a 2 hr schedule and now she has been on a 3 hour schedule. She averages 2 ounces per feed and on average about 18 ounces a day. At times she will only take in 1 ounce and on low days only gets 15 ounces in total. We have changed from similac advance to sensitive and noticed her fussiness changed, but not much in her total ounces. 4 weeks on sensitive and the fussiness symptoms reoccur:

can only feed her on legs as opposed to being held in arms, pushes bottle out with tongue and refuses after an ounce or two, she grunts, cries, and shows total discomfort. When you take away the bottle and give her the pacificer she calms. We have tried: more frequent burping, upright sitting, many, many bottles, moved to the next nipple, bicycle legs, giving her a break to pass gas, gas drops, gripe water, mommy bliss, etc.. you name it we have tried it.

We have noticed: she sleeps great during naps and mostly at night: 4 naps a day lasting 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and sleeps from dream feed at 10:30 until about 3, 4, or 5 am. She seems to eat more while she is sleepy. But after the dream feed (about 5 hrs) only take an ounce at wake time, follow same routine, activity, then sleep, she is fine as long as you are not forcing the bottle. Then she can wake and take 3 ounces or at times still 1 ounce. 

This seems all over the place, sorry. Would appreciate any insight!


Offline Lolly

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Re: 2 month old feeding issues
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 13:11:21 pm »
How did the check up go?

It sounds to me like she is having digestive discomfort  - reflux could be a possibility, have a look at this link and see what you think.

Reflux 101 - General reflux information


Offline ri23ta

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Re: 2 month old feeding issues
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 16:20:09 pm »
Dr. said she gained weight so she is not too worried as long as she is getting 18 ounces. Yet, isn't average 2ounces per pound? and she weighed in at 10lbs 14 ounces. She said if I see any more of a decrease to give her a call this week and she scheduled an appt in a month as opposed to waiting until her 4 month. She also said it could be reflux, but most babies have some form of reflux, and she would like us to see in a month where she is, she doesn't like to just give med, esp if baby is gaining weight. We also just switched to gerber soother... so I guess we need to give that time! Thanks for the reply and the link, I do see she has some of those characteristics.