My LO is 15 weeks /16 adjusted.
He has been a 45min napper as long as I can remember. I am trying to shhh/pat him down at waking and it works sometimes and sometimes It just doesnt.
He recently adjusted into a 4hr routine but:
1. wakes early
2. has snack at 3am or 4 am (2oz)
3. wakes at 5am and at 6am
He is swaddled.. white noise.. working on shhh/pat to sleep with minimal rocking.
Formula fed- at times we feed to sleep because of 45 min naps
He goes to bed at appx 7 or 7.5 and if I dont dream feed - he naturally wakes at about 11:30 or midnight very hungry. (biggest meal in 24 hrs- 5-6 oz)
I have tried to keep him up for a later bedtime routine in hopes to get him to not do the early morning wakings but it doesnt work.
I just put him to bed early and put myself to bed early with him because of whats ahead for me in the morning.
I have played with his A time and two hours is working good for us because its easier to put him down to sleep without rtoo much rocking on my end.
I am really lost.. He just woke up from his afternoon nap crying at exactly 45 minutes... do I let him cry it out a little?? I have been going in quickly to soothe him because Im afraid of abandoning him and breaking his trust.
thank you... if anything for listening.