Hugs, it is tough. I fed my 8 week old nearly hourly between 3 and 6 am last night because it was quicker than patting to resettle. Ourrroutine is similar but without the second catnap ie around 530 feed, then bath, then top up feed then to bed for the night. We're not doing a df and he usually wakes 2-3 Times to feed. Also my lo can't make it to 1.5 hours awake time - he's usually an hour or just over. The only thing I can think with the unsettled periods overnight is pain/discomfort, overtired or undertired. I don't think there's a whole lot you can do to make them stretch their feed Times overnight at this age. My DD was sleeping 9 hours straight at 4 weeks and 12 hours with a df at 8 week's and I haven't done anything differently this time!