Hi all, not sure exactly where to put this question but here goes. My LO is 7 months in one week, he is on formula and three solid meals a day. Solids have been a real struggle and he hates veges and meat, only likes fruit. Normally he would sleep from 7-4ish without a DF, have a bottle and then sleep until 7. Lately he wants a feed around midnight and then again is up around 5-5:30ish, he doesn't cry that much at the early awake and I leave him in his cot until 6 then start the day. He is on 2 naps a day of around 1.5hrs each give or take. He is just getting over a bought of gastro. I have tried resettling him at the NW but after about an hour I resort to feeding him. I'm pretty sure that if I fed him at the 5am wake he would go back to sleep I until 7 but it seems excessive to need two NF's at his age. My CHN told me not to feed him at all over night but he ends up screaming, I leave him if it's just a mantra cry. He sleep has been crazy over the last month because he has cut three teeth, switched from breast to bottle, gotten his first cold and then gastro. I offer water before milk at night but he won't settle. He sucks his thumb so can self settle and has been an independent sleeper his whole life.