My DS2 is 1 year and I am down to 2 feeds a day - before bed and in the morning. I am trying to wean him completely and have hit a bump in the road. He does not like milk but I know that is ok as long as he is eating other sources of calcium. My concern is he is not drinking enough fluids. He doesn't drink a lot of water. I have tried different sippy cups and he just isn't interested. Just takes little sips if I make him! He does like drinking smoothies, whole milk blended with banana, and kefir yogurt.
Today I tried dropping the morning feed and it was so hard. He cried and cried. I offered banana blended with whole milk and he drank about 4 ounces of that. I then ended up offered a breastfeed later in the morning and he was very happy
So.... ideas on how to get him to drink more water or fluids? Do you think I should try to drop night feed first?