Dd is just coming up to 2 weeks she was 10lb 8 oz at birth, I am bottle feeding she is on aptamil stage 1 milk and feeding every 3 to 3 .5 hrs but only takes maximum 2.5 oz this is new to me the others were all hungry babies and could drain 5 oz by now.......my other issue is dd being sick she will literally vomit out of mouth and nose all of what she has taken but only once per day
I am confused when she is sick I haven't done anything different,
My other children have all had issues dd1 was put on soya milk at 1 month due to projectile vomiting up after most feeds and that sorted that and the other 2 have all had reflux, but my new dd doesn't really show any signs of reflux at other feeds she is barely positing at all, I just add she has a bad case of oral thrush which is just starting to clear......
Anyone any ideas