Hope this is the right place - not sure it should go under feeding or EASY
So my LO is 15 weeks, fed on Nutramigen, during the day feeds pretty much on the 3 hour mark, takes 6oz per feed (sometimes he starts to fuss, but if I take him to his room he will usually finish the bottle!), has no DF, and wakes for 1 NF (various times).
So my question is for the last 3 days his 1600/1630 bottle he has started drinking like he normally would at any other feed but will stop with either 4oz or 3oz left - nothing I try will get him to take it so he ends up missing this bit of milk? any suggestions as to why?
As for the rest of our EASY schedule - its not great as his S is very low so often his day is
AEASAEAS and so on! So he is defo OT
I'm working on the napping but my god is it hard work!