Hi, The naps are so easy, we go upstairs, nappy change, close all doors and curtains together. I say same thing again and again and he starts to bury his head in my shoulder. Generally a little water and he's really dozy, into cot and asleep. This can happen at night time aswell but sometimes he just springs back up in the cot with a new lease of life.
I have left him in the cot standing for a time and he's just grumpy not crying. It always ends the same way, he falls over, bangs his head off the side of the cot and starts to roar.
I would prefer to stay with him initially to get a good sleeping habit and to encourage him to lie down and go sleepies.
Can I ask, when your toddler wakes in the early hours, do you give them the bottle in the cot or will you take them out for a feed? I can generally settle my little guy quite easily with a bottle and a cuddle but the reason I'm starting the PUPD is to encourage him now to sleep through. Especially in the early hours when i know he's not hungry or wet etc. Also do you wake your toddler in the morning or will you leave them until they wake naturally. My little guy will make up the time he has lost in the night and extend out in the morning. I wonder is this contributing to the night waking and should i maybe set an alarm and not allow him to sleep longer than 8am.
His routine is generally as follows:
8:00 rise, breakfast
9:00 bottle (maybe small snack before nap)
12:00 nap
13:30 - 14:00 wake soon followed with lunch
15:00 half bottle
18:00 dinner
19:00 Bottle
19:30 Bed
Bedtime routine consists of a PJ change, nappy change, brush teeth. Close all the doors and curtains, get place nice and dark. I also have no TV on downstairs or major activity from 6pm.
Finish last bottle and if he's tired enough he'll nod off pretty soon after. When he pops back up in the cot there is generally 45 mins of PUPD.
Also we do a number of playgroups and swimming which he seems to enjoy and he naps fantastic after them, it generally doesn't make a difference in the night time waking if he is out and about for the day or hibernating at home with me.