Interested in input on how long to extend the "gradual withdrawal" method on a 22 month old.
Without going into details.... our little man did great with getting snuggled to sleep yet as he's grown up it doesn't work so well for obvious reasons.
We were doing great with some "sleep training" before the holidays (more of a Walk in/walk out style) and then the holidays + family in town + sickness, etc. our beloved new routine was met with lots of sobs and crying when we tried to go back.
Thus we started GW and it's been working great.
Started with me laying down by his crib.
Now moved to a rocking chair. Been in the chair for about a week.
He may roll around, or talk and babble but ends up falling asleep on his on in his crib.
(doing the same for nap time and night wakings)
However, if I try to leave before he's asleep I'm met with meltdown mode and lots of sobs. Thus he always falls asleep with me present.
Starting to wonder how long do I stay in the chair??
Do I shift from GW to WI/WO again and work through the cries?
Would love any input and suggestions!