So LO is 18 weeks and only weighs 12lb 5 oz. I posted my freakout on here a few days ago. My pedi recommend I start to supplement and fill his bottles with 6 Oz instead of 4.5oz. I work 12 hour days and only pump 2-4oz a pump, so I knew supplementation was inevitable even though I did want to wait 6 mo. Oh well, I have come to terms with this decision to add formula.
1. Do you know how long it takes to bottle feed a baby with a slow flow nipple? FOREVER. On days that I am with him, I have been breast feeding him first, then giving him a few Oz of formula afterwards. Sometimes he will take 4 Oz! It takes him over an hour to eat!!! I was contemplating moving up to a medium flow nipple, but I was concerned that he might not want to breast feed because it would be harder for him. He is very laid back and tends to roll with the punches, so it might be fine, but I just was wondering.
2. Along the same lines as question #1, I was contemplating getting a supplemental nursing system, so I can feed him and give formula all at the same time. Does anyone have any experience with these? I'm worried that it may make my supply tank.
3. I'm really worried that my supply is going to tank, so I was going to get some fenugreek maybe, and see if that helps? I was going to add a power pumping session or two in the mix, the problem is finding the time. any other suggestions?