My daughter is now 5 months old. About a month ago, she started to eat poorly. She usually only eats for 5-7 minutes at a time. She starts off eating normally and then just pulls off screaming and I stick a pacifier in until she wants more food. This happens a few times until she is done eating. 2 weeks ago it got even worse and she started doing this high pitched screech. A few days later she was puking and had diarrhea. Doc said it was prob just a stomach bug. She has always spit up a lot and she usually poops after almost every feed (just recently starting pooping less, but still a few times per day). Until 2 weeks ago, she was eating every 3-3.5 hours and waking once during the night to eat. When she was sick, i was feeding her more so that she didn't get dehydrated. Now that she is better, she is back to eating every 2.5-3 hours. But last three nights she has woken twice - sleep around 8 30 (eating at 6 30-7 to allow time to spit up), and then up to eat at 12 30 - or 1 and again at 3 or 3 30. She usually doesn't spit up during the night (only rarely) which is weird considering that during the day she can spit up for 1.5 hours after eating and even sometimes after a nap, 2-3 hours later. She usually takes short naps, about 45 min, and sometimes 1 longer one (1.5-2.5 hrs), which is why she still eats so often. I started rice cereal last week to see if it will help, but she doesn't know how to swallow it yet and makes a disgusted face when I put it in her mouth
When she has a bottle, she eats 3.5 ounces at a time. I don't think she pulls off as much, but still spits up after. She is in the 80th percentile for weight, so there is no concern that she is not getting enough food.
Just wondering if there is a reason for the deterioration in the way that she eats - why she pulls off screaming and needs to go back and forth between me and the soother.