I'm hoping someone can offer some advice and hope this is the right board to post on...
My LO is 10 weeks on Wednesday ( 5 weeks adjusted as she was born 5.5 weeks early)
She is doing well and has no serious health problems. The main problem is that she is very very gassy and this makes it very hard to get her to stay asleep. I'm trying as best I can to implement Easy and slowly start to teach her to fall alseep independently but this is improving so difficult and exhausting...
She is on a 3.75-4 hour easy which they implemented in special care nursery and she happily has maintained this.
Her routine is roughly is as follows:
7-7.30 am wu
Bf 7-7.30 am
Sleep at 8.30-9 am
For up to 2.5 hours but broken with wake ups every 15-30 mins with squirming and gas pains
Bf 11 am
Sleep at 12-12.30 pm
For up to 2.5 hours but broken with wake ups every 15- 30 mins with squirming and gas pains
Bf 3 pm
Sleep at 4 pm for up to 1-2 hours but broken as above
Bf 5.30-6 pm
Bath 6.30 pm
Wind down
Top up bf
Bed 7-7.30 pm
Will squirm and fall in and out of sleep till about 8.30 pm when she finally settles into a deep sleep
Bf 1.30-2.30 am
Will wake and squirm with gas pains sometime between 4.30 and 6 am for up to 2 hours
Can sometimes resettle with a dummy, shh- patting etc till wu and bf at 7-7.30 am
I know hunger is not causing these wakes ups since she can and has managed 6 hours plus overnight. Feeding her at this time just makes things worse since her gas pains start after every feed.
I realise her nights are really good for her age and generally ( I think! ) her routine is ok but I'm concerned about her sleep habits and gas pains
For info, she will only mostly fall asleep in our arms with shhhh patting. She will then stay asleep for a short time in either the rocking chair, bassinet or car seat and will squirm and wake then begin crying. We pick her up and start shhh patting again, out her down and it all starts all over again...
The only place she will sleep long stretches of comfortable sleep are in the baby carrier. I don't mind using this but am worried about creating bad sleep habits with her and also this is proving to be difficult since I also have a 2 year old LO that I find to tend to whilst carrying a newborn all day!!
Some background info:
- I have a very fast let down so have been experimenting with bottle feeding with a special anti wind bottle and ebf which has given very slight improvements
- we have tried all sorts of anti wind medications ( mainly herbal) with limited success
- we do ' bicycle' legs ( we often get lots of gas when we do this )tummy massage, warm baths , lots of
Upright holding and burping as much as possible when she's awake
- I am trying to limit all dairy incase it's an allergy thing and have been doing
so for 4 weeks with limited success
- she will only fall asleep with a dummy since it helps with her gas pains but will also wake as soon as it falls out
will this become a sleep problem in the future??
- have also taken her a baby cranio since it worked well with my son and her birth was rather traumatic ( emergency c section and forceps)
I've been told I need to wait until her digestive system matures and the wind will improve but I wondered if anyone had any btdt advice and especially, I would like some reassurance that I'm
doing the right thin with her sleep since most attempts at any type of independent sleep are failing and we are exhausted !!
Thanks in advance