Author Topic: 3 year old up 2-3 times every night  (Read 908 times)

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Offline Zomeo

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3 year old up 2-3 times every night
« on: March 04, 2014, 16:51:50 pm »
Well, I'm back.  Things just haven't gotten better over the last 4-6 months.  I have tried everything and would love some encouragement and advice.  I am 5 months pregnant and exhausted.

My DD does not nap anymore.  She goes to bed between 7:30-8pm.  She usually goes right to bed...maybe getting up one time for a drink or potty (she is potty trained). 
Then she gets up usually between 12-1:30am, and then again 1 or 2 times later in the night.  She will then wake up early between 6-6:45am for the day.  SOMETIMES I can get her back to sleep until like 7:15-7:45am.  But not always.

I take her to the potty at least one of the wakings and she goes.  I try not to talk and just walk her back and tuck her in and leave.  She doesn't wake up crying or screaming.  Just quietly walks into our room. 
Things we have tried:
*No or less liquids before bed
*Lavender oil for calming
*Night light that turns green when she is allowed to get out of bed
*Reward chart system

Her body doesn't seem to calm down.  Her legs twitch and she is very restless.  Anyone ever deal with restless leg syndrome with a child?
I took her to the doctor and she had extremely low iron which they said could cause restlessness and we have since given her liquid iron to help.  But I haven't seen any results.
She will even say in the middle of the night, I don't want to sleep/I want to do kid things and play.

Thoughts?  When I think of throwing a newborn into this mix, I just want to cry.

Offline tahiranisa

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Re: 3 year old up 2-3 times every night
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 04:27:37 am »
Oh, mama. I am sorry, I had a bad sleeper while pregnant about 15 months ago and it was terrifying. Though, to be honest, what I imagined was far worse than what actually happened and you have plenty of time to get this straightened out!

I also have a 3yo with night wakings and who I have definitely noticed has jumpy legs (as I call them because I also have them, and my mom before me!) I didn't know that anemia could lead to restless legs. My son had anemia about 18 months ago and I wonder if it has returned. He is a terrible eater so I suppose it is possible.

I don't have a ton of good advice but if she is waking up on a schedule I have used Wake to Sleep succesfully with my son and think it would work for that 1230 wakeup. You could try sneaking in at midnight and just gently waking her or even getting her to stir a bit so her schedule is off. I am a firm believer in the technique because, like I said, it has worked for me. For my son though, I couldn't wake him all the way or do a diaper change as some have suggested in other posts. I just stuck to the gentlest touches. If you disturb that first waking, the others *might* fall away. Or! They might start up on a later schedule and then you can implement the technique again later. When it worked for us, I think it was usually effective by the third day.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 3 year old up 2-3 times every night
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 08:03:00 am »
Hugs honey, fwiw my great sleeper (sttn 2-3 during our terrible time with our second baby) started nw around 3 and it lasted a few months. Now he nw sometimes with a bad dream etc but otherwise I s back to sttn.

I guess I'm saying this because as much as it feels like forever, I do believe there is a huge developmental change at this age, and it does mess with sleep YK?

From your post I think she is likely OT by BT. Her day is too long. Can you possibly get her to bed after a 12 hr day? I know it's early but I put my ds down as early as 5.30 when he was nap dropping or nw/ew etc. much more than a 12 hr day is likely to cause OT at this age - and especially if they are nw.

W2s really helped us when ds had a spout of NT and also for habitual nw. Defiantly give it a shot if you can...
Is there a chance your lot is waking cold? - have you noticed any changes that could have contributed to the nw? (Ie language burst, independence abilities, imaginative play, pt, nap dropping?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Zomeo

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Re: 3 year old up 2-3 times every night
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2014, 02:12:33 am »
Thanks for the responses!  I agree W2s is a good option (it has worked for us in the past when she was a baby) but I just don't think she wakes enough at a regular time to track that.  Like last night she was up 3 times before 12am!  Ahhh!

Her sleep took a nose dive when we moved into our new house LAST May and it never improved (before that she was a dream sleeper-2 hr. nap and full 12 hrs. at night). 
We layer her with pj's and blankets each night.  I'm wondering if she doesn't get enough food during the day.  She is such a picky eater (no meat or veggies ha!).  So we are going to start doing a protein shake to boost protein.  Maybe that will help. 

I agree she is OT.  I think trying earlier bedtimes is a great thought. 

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: 3 year old up 2-3 times every night
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2014, 08:39:12 am »
Maybe just try a w2s earlier in the evening to see if it's enough to break the cycle.

How are things?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.