Author Topic: Message from Tracy's family  (Read 65039 times)

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Touched by an angel
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2005, 12:48:09 pm »
My deepest sympathies go to you and your family, and I hope that in time you will find comfort in the messages people have posted.
I cannot begin to express my gratitutde to the work your mother did, she listened and guided so many people, I for one feel like I have personnally lost a great friend.  She helped me through the most troublesome times of my sons early days and now as they are toddlers I still turn to the books and website as often as I did.  It was her inspirational words of wisdom that has taught me to be the mother I am today - and allow me to raise the most wonderful independant, happy confident boys I have.  My family are the reason I get up in the morning and smile, they never fail to amaze me with the things they have learnt and challenges they overcome.  I have Tracy to thank for this.  Once again, thank you for allowing us to share the most wonderful woman that you have had the honour to call mum.


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Deeply deeply saddened...
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2005, 05:40:02 am »
I cannot get get passed the shock of finding out about Tracy´s passing... I am a guatemalan mom iving in Guatemala city, who called hoping for a reply from someone at Baby Whisperer... to my surprise, someone did call, set an appointment with Tracy and got to talk to her for almost 4 hours via 2 telephone calls!!! just 3 months before her passing... What a blessing!!!! I always thought we were so fortunate to recieve her help, but now that is just too short of a statement... Those 4 hours we talked like we had known each other for years, and after addressing my main concerns about my daughter, we went on to talk about personal stuff and as I watched the time go by in my handwatch, I realized that Tracy was one of those remarkable souls who lives to give passionately ALL of what God placed on her hands to give. She surprised me even further after offering to come to Guatemala and teaching me her methods and training me to be her "latin hand" I simply couldn´t be happier...
Now, I mourn the loss of that shining star but am determined to carry her message of child caring in my native Guatemala, where so much needs to be learned. I will stay in contact.
To Sara and Sophie... my heart goes out to you and know that your mom will live on in the hearts and minds of all af us, and will reflect on the children growing blessed because of her. God bless you
Much love from Guatemala... Aixa López

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Deepest sympathies.
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2005, 23:48:46 pm »
I've only just heard here in England, U.K. So sorry, Tracy was a great writer and had empathies for her readers.

My sympathies to Tracy's family.
Kind regards, Caroline Jones, Leicester, England. U.K

Offline sueirwin

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Thank you and so much more
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2005, 02:12:26 am »
I just wanted to say thank you. My first child has been touched by Tracy's inspiration and caring. I feel I have lost a mother as well, for she has taken that role with me, and many other people.

I am truely sorry for your loss, even in the new year, our thoughts and prayers go to you and your families. This world was lucky to have had a human spirit like Tracy's for the time she was in it.  God bless her. And I hope she looks down and see's the difference she has made.

She was wonderful

Sue and McKenna Irwin
Singhampton, Ontario- Canada.
McKenna Irwin

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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2005, 05:16:39 am »
Sara and family,

I am so sadden by your loss and my prayers are with you.  Your mother was an angel, and brilliant to boot! I stumbled upon her on television while I was at home struggling to understand my first baby, born only a month earlier.  Once my husband and I read her book, it was like she saved us. Everything she said, we did. If we were ever at wits end, we'd consult "Tracy".  I credit her for keeping us sane during what was a most difficult time for us.  I have since had another baby and would not have managed either without her books.  And I continue to give her books as gift to every first-time mom I know (and a few second-time mom's who weren't fortunate enough to have them the first time around)! 

Again, my heart and prayers are with you and your family.  I will forever remember your mom and how she changed my life! (Thank you, Tracy! Peace be with you!).

.....Angela Ferguson, San Diego, CA

Offline sophiem

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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2005, 19:24:31 pm »
My condolences to you and your family.

I discovered your mother last week on TV. And let's say it's was not my best week but your mother help me see a light at the end of the tunnel. My husband got me 1 of her book and I'm only on page 41 and there's already a difference in our lives. So thank you for sharing your mother with us. She is an angel watching over all babies.  When you fell sad just think of all those happy babies our mother helped and keep helping from above.
Sarah-Jeanne 05-19-01
Charlotte 05-29-04
I'm french speaking sorry for my english !

Offline Mother Kerr

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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2005, 22:59:10 pm »
Dearest Sara and Sophie,

I was shocked and saddened to hear that your amazing Mother is no longer with us.  She was a truly remarkable woman, and will be sorely missed by families the World over. 

She was an inspiration to me and, to be honest, she has helped me cope with the premature birth of my twins as if she were a friend or family member.

I am glad that you will be carrying on her wonderful life's work.

My deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers,


(Mother of twins - Sophie & Rachel - born 8 July 2004)

Offline sambayliss

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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2005, 16:52:03 pm »
Dear Sara and Sophie

I am very sorry to hear about your loss.  Your mother was an example to us all.  Having lost my own mother when she was 44 ( I was 17) and being an only child I never had anyone to show me how to raise a child. 

When I was pregnant I found Tracy and have never looked back, she has helped me have the confidence to be a mother to Thomas and to enjoy it more than I ever could imagine. 

My heart goes out to you both and I wish you well in all you chose to do.

Mother to Thomas 29/10/04

Mom to Thomas 29/10/04

my little man


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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2005, 22:58:25 pm »
I have only just heard the news, I can't believe it.

Such a special lady who wil be missed by so many

My deepest sympathy to all her family and friends


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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2005, 18:02:30 pm »
I"m in shock to hear this very sad news.

I have only just recently been introduced to Tracey and they television program.  Only this morning I had mentioned the program in another chat room and decided to see what information I could find online.

In Toronto we have only had about a half dozen of her programs shown on tv and from only those few I could see what a caring and loving person Tracey was.  How much knowledge she had to offer and how much she will be missed.


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« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2005, 23:02:50 pm »
Having just taken delivery of Tracy's book for guidance on Toddlers, I thought I would log on to the website after a long absence.  I just couldn't believe it when I read of Tracy's death.  My heart felt sadness goes out to Tracy's family.  My mother died of cancer of the oesophogus in 1994, and to see someone you love, respect and care for deteriote in front of you is a terrible thing.

I am a great fan and advocate of Tracy's work and know for sure that my gorgeous, happy and well balanced daughter is a product of Tracy's teachings.  I read and watched Tracy's work when my daughter was born and have followed Tracy's guidance throughout, she was an absolute genious with children.  I feel bad that I have only just discovered how ill Tracy had been - selfishly I hadn't needed to log on to the website for over a year as my daughter has been such a "text book" baby and having followed Tracy's books, she hasn't caused me too many problems.

Although I never met Tracy, her down to earth attitude left those who knew her work, feeling that they had.  I remember when my daughter was just a few months old & had started to wake during the night again, I posted an email on the website and was shocked that Tracy replied personally - that was Summer 2003 - at the time, I just couldn't believe I had received a personal response - but that I guess, after reading all of the dedications to her, was Tracy just being Tracy.

If you can hear me Tracy, thank you so very much you have made such a very special contribution to my daughters life.

Wishing your family all the very best, Jacqui, Coventry, UK

Offline sallyd1974

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Message from Tracy's family
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2005, 21:41:41 pm »
I was so happy to find this site and so sad to discover tracys passing on it she was and is an insperation to familys everywhere i hope to train as a midwife and will always remember the advice she gave as an avide watcher of her tv series in the uk i would like to send my love to all her family and friends tracy will never be forgotten :(


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« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2005, 21:02:04 pm »
I just today found out about Tracy's passing and am truly saddened by this news.  I just watched two episodes of her show on Discovery last night and had no idea.  I am a mother of a 19 month old and Tracy's first book was my bible.  I read it before giving birth and referred to it quite a bit afterwards.  I read her 2nd book when Amelia turned 1.  I am looking forward to reading the third book as well.  All the best to Tracy's family and I hope you take comfort in knowing what a profound impact she has had on so many people.

Robin Brunet, Canada

Offline barefootnanny

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Tracy's still with us . . . .
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2005, 11:39:49 am »
:cry: I was a little shocked when I read of Tracy's passing. Her influence has extended, not only to parents, but to all those who care for children.
I have cuddled babies for the past twenty years and Tracy still managed to teach me a thing or two.

I have recommended Tracy's books to many parents and nannies over the past year, since discovering her program.

My husband would ask, 'How does she know the baby has (colic) - she's only been there for ten minutes?'
After a few weeks of explaining, my answer became, sit back - watch and learn.

He did.

Tracy's skills and her ability to share them with sometimes desperate parents, I believe was the key to her success.

I have seen many childcarers/ specialists try to explain to parents how to adjust their behaviour to address a problem.
The majority often made the parents feel like they were doing everything wrong. Tracy never did.

I'd watch the faces of the parents on the show the first few times, looking for guilt or rejection to appear, it never did.
Tracy never made them feel that way.

 :wink: She not only holds the title of the Baby Whisperer ~ she also has earnt the title of Parent Whisperer !

Sophie and Sara must be so proud of their Mum.

I'll be thinking of her often , as I settle young babies.

She's still around us, whispering sweet nothings to sleeping babies. :D

Best Wishes to you all

Life is what you make it !


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so sorry. mexico loves you tracy hogg
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2005, 21:58:59 pm »
so sorry sara with the notice...i just cant belive it ¡¡¡  it have a few days ive found this wonderful forum, and know about this sadness notice,makes me shocked¡¡¡
ive just saw her tv programs on discovery, and now its my favorite one, she was so intelligent and with just loooking at her you can saw the sensibility and spiruality of her soul,  but i dont gonna talk about her on past, cause i think she always been in our minds,tracy always gonna  live on my mind, cause about her ive learned how to comunicate with my baby, shes a great women and she always be present in every heart of the people she help, like me and my family
thanks so much  tracy, for everythig you gave us, gives , and given
Mexico loves you Tracy Hogg

(sorry about my english,expect you did understood me)