Author Topic: Switch to 3.5 or 4hr EASY?  (Read 731 times)

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Switch to 3.5 or 4hr EASY?
« on: March 23, 2014, 19:56:50 pm »
Hi everybody!
Not sure if I have posted on the right board so please feel free to move this post  ;)
I have a gorgeous 14.5 week old ds who up until around 2 weeks ago was napping like a champ and waking once at night for a feed- bliss!
Now we have been having issues with short naps (30-45 mins) which I know is common for this age group anyway. I also have a just turned 3 year old dd so as you can imagine ds sometimes needs to nap on the go but generally most of his naps are in his cot. He varies with his eating- he is formula fed, sometimes will take eight ounces, sometimes only 4 or 5. I feed him every 3 hours generally and one NF so he has 6 feeds per day usually. I dont dream feed.
Here is our EASY at the mo!
NF- 2.30/3.30am- generally takes about eight ounces or so
Wake and E- 7am ish
A- 7.30am
S- Eight forty five (sorry-my eight button doesn't work on my keyboard!!) (Wind down eight thirty)
Wake 9.15/9.30am (generally 30-45 mins after waking) I then re-plug his paci numerous times until he either goes back to sleep for a brief period or I get him up.
E- 10am
A- 10.30am
S- 11/11.15am (Wind down 15 mins prior)
Wake 12pm ish
E- 1pm
S- 1.30pm
Wake 3.30pm (this is his best nap as his sister naps at the same time so the house is a bit quieter! However I usually have to replug 2-3 times to achieve this nap)
E- 4pm
A- 4.30pm
Catnap 5pm (usually 30-45 mins)
Awake 5.45pm
Bath 6.30pm ish
E- 7pm
S- 7.30pm
Usually sleeps through until that 2.30/3.30am NF, sometimes wakes around the 1am mark but I replug paci and he falls straight back to sleep.
This EASY does change daily depending on what activities we have on but I generally try to take him into his room at the 1.5hr awake time mark for wind down and aim to have him asleep by the 1.45hr mark. He is a tummy sleeper- all I do is pop him on his tummy, plug his paci in and walk out- he generally falls asleep easily but do have to replug often sometimes. His room is nice and dark, I dont use white noise or do shh/pat or PU/PD.
So I am wondering if it is an awake time issue (do I need to increase slightly?) or if he needs to be on a 3.5/4hr feeding schedule or if it is a paci issue and I need to wean him, or simply need to try using shhh pat or W2S to extend naps.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!!
TIA  :)
Hannah- Mummy to Amelia, born 02.03.2011; Oliver, born 12.12.2013; and Finn, born 29.09.2017.

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Re: Switch to 3.5 or 4hr EASY?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2014, 07:43:20 am »
Hi. I think if he was napping well on his own until recently then it is unlikely a prop issue. It sounds like he may do better on a slightly longer A time and extending the time between feeds. Tracy moved some babies to 4hr EASY before they reached the full 4 months old so maybe this is what your DS needs.
Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY
As he is already on the higher end of A times at 1hr 45 I would move to 2hrs A time and gradually extend his E times. E at WU then 3hr 15 for a couple of days, then 3hr 30 for a few days, 3hr 45 for a few days to gradually move up to the 4hr mark.
If he can't make the 4hr mark on E just yet don't worry, just see where he gets to the point of being hungry enough for a good feed but not crying for his food. It's ok to work the EASY around a 2hr A, 1.5hr naps and say a 3.5hr E if needed.

As an added point around 4 months ish the A time needs tend to increase faster than we all expect. If your DS has been doing well on A times higher than average for his age then I would prob continue with that in mind and keep him on the higher end or more than the guidance times to avoid UT naps.

Offline MummyofAOF

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Re: Switch to 3.5 or 4hr EASY?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 09:47:02 am »
Thank you so much for your reply, Creations!
Brilliant advice- I will start tomorrow with 2hr awake time and aim for feeds at 3hr 15 mark and increase from there until we are at 4hrs- hopefully that will do the trick :)
Thanks again  :)
Hannah- Mummy to Amelia, born 02.03.2011; Oliver, born 12.12.2013; and Finn, born 29.09.2017.

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Re: Switch to 3.5 or 4hr EASY?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 14:37:24 pm »
No problem. Hope it goes smoothly for you.