Creations I see what you are saying about the morning bottle but he eats a full solids dinner AND drinks a full bottle at BT so i'm stil unsure the reasonsing to move it to the AM? It would diminish his breakfast and would essentially be lowering the amount of calories he takes not upping it?
I meant that you would offer an additional solids meal in the evening (I call our evening meal 'dinner' and anything after that 'supper') so for instance instead of (times are just as an example)
dinner 5.30
BT milk 7pm
BT S 7.30
you would do
dinner 5.30
supper 6.15 (this could be whatever you usually offer for breakfast or any healthy solid food)
BT water bottle/cup
The times are different but this is basically what I did with DS. His BT milk was replaced with an additional solids meal even though he had just had a solids meal which was the family dinner. It started out that supper was about an hour after dinner but as BT moved for various reasons etc he would literally eat dinner, a full meal plus fruit for desert, then have supper immediately afterwards. Quite odd, but true. He did eventually drop supper but sometimes now likes to have a tiny cup of milk after dinner.
Fish fingers and sprats are 2 different things - and I've prob caused some confusion mentioning them both.
Fish fingers are usually white fish in a bread crumb which are oven baked, grilled, or fried, maybe you call them fish sticks? I was able to buy a really good one although I dislike processed food I was keen to get DS on some sort of protein. I also put a lot of time into getting him on to home made fish fingers/sticks so I can use the fresh fish we are having for dinner but crumb and fry DS's. Over time I've been able to get him to eat some fish that is not crumbed.
Sprats are very small fish, you toss the whole fish in flour then deep fry, because the bones are tiny and because they are fried they are crunchy and easily eaten. Because you eat all the bones they are super high in calcium, DS doesn't bat an eye he eats the entire fish, head, eyes, tail, everything. They are like white bait but smaller. the reason I think I caused confusion is that sprats are high in calcium but fish fingers/sticks and mussels are not (as far as I know). I just meant that I have been super surprised by some of the things DS will eat (ie little fish that look like fish, mussels in shells rather than a small piece of anonymous salmon) and you might be surprised by something your DS will eat which you might not have tried from the calcium rich food list. I don't know, maybe tahini, canned sardines, or making fish paste (needs to be with bones) for sandwiches or kidney bean and chick pea burgers. It's just ideas...I always thought DS wouldn't eat broccoli but discovered he will eat the stems of long stemmed broccoli but not the flower head so he can get some calcium there.
If the milk powder is expensive maybe you can add some ground almonds to some things instead? Sorry don't know if he can have nuts and I don't know if you bake, you can use it in pancakes and muffins, sub in part for flour.
I think in your position I'd prob continue with the bottle. I do understand the worry of meeting his dietary needs and I'm always in awe of mums who cope with milk intolerant LOs, amazing actually.