Hi, my daughter has a bad cold, her nose and eyes are bothering her. This morning she called for me at 5.30 to wipe her nose and she asked for milk. Normally she would gave slept until 6.45, which is a time I have worked hard at getting to. She fell asleep at 20.00 last night. But this morning she didn't sleep after 5.30. My husband went in to her at 5.45, and every time he left she started calling out for me etc, so at 6.00 he got her out, gave the iPad, and put her in the bed in the guest room and stayed with her so she wouldn't wake her brother.
She has a clock with a bunny sleeping and I tell her she has to sleep when bunny is sleeping.
Now I'm worried she will wake early and ask for the iPad tomorrow too. I did not agree with getting her up at 6.00. But I don't know what I should tell him to do if it happens again. If she cries too loudly she will wake up her brother.
And when do I do bt tonight? She's been going to bed around 19.45, falling asleep 20.00-20.15.
I hope she takes a long nap at daycare today! I stress a lot over her sleep.