Author Topic: 16 month night wakings... Tried most settling techniques without success.  (Read 856 times)

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Offline Someranne

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Hi,  I would welcome any advice or success stories from anyone that could help with the sleep problems we are experiencing!

My 16 month LO has never been a great sleeper.. Usually at least one night waking but often easy to settle.   Over the last few weeks, the night wakings have escalated to ear piercing screaming tantrums.  I have considered night wakings but she appears to be aware of where she is and the screaming usually escalates if  she is left.    She has always gone to bed fairly easily,the problems usually start from about 10pm/11pm. I think perhaps she is failing to self settle from waking up during light sleep periods.

Quick snap shot of her routine-

Wake up 6-6.30am (mostly moody if had poor nights sleep)

Nap at nursery between 12.30-1pm for 1.5-2hrs(cannot influence really as set times)

Bedtime- 6.30pm-7pm.  I have experimented with later bedtimes but I think if anything she is over tired from getting such poor quality of sleep.

I have considered LO being too hot/cold, hungry/teething and have taken steps to rule that out (Nurofen, more/less clothes etc).    She does have a dummy and blanket which she has had from birth.

I have tried the following sleep techniques - CIO-  various lengths of time but never successful, the screaming just escalates and often results in vomiting from getting herself so worked up.  Tried PU/PD but she just kicks and wriggles and leans towards the door and points.  Probably the most successful is the gradual retreat but this can take hours and as soon as she senses I have left the whole screaming tantrum begins again.

We have on occasion fallen into the trap of bringing her into bed in desperation but in all honestly she does not sleep that well (nor do we!) so have stopped that.  Most commonly I have given her milk and sometimes this works, but sometimes it only settles her for a couple of hours.

She has just got over Chicken Pox and I think this has compounded the sleep issues but I don't believe it's the sole cause as the night wakings were happening before... Maybe less extreme!

I am committed to sticking to the right sleep technique but so far it isn't working.  Would be grateful for any advice!!

Thanks so much.

One tired mummy!

Offline HenaV

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Hi one tired mum,

Big hugs to you. Sounds like it's been tough. Tbh, this is a tough age for sleep ime.

I see that you have tried CIO. You may not be aware but here at BW we cannot support CC or CIO. I hope however we can help you find a solution.

Tbh your routine looks good to me. If she's really tired from the broken nights, given you can't do anything with the nap it might be worth trying an early BT? She maybe a little OT?

In terms of where this may be coming from, my gut instinct is either teeth or developmental - there is a common blip at this age which usually leads nicely to the 18m sleep regression, sorry!

If she was previously an IS have you considered trying Wi/WO?
