DD is EBF and STTN with a DF at 11pm. She's always stirred when I picked her up for the feed, but she'd fall back asleep while nursing. In the last week or two, however, she'll wake when going back into the crib, but settle herself after 5-10 minutes. Last night, however, wasn't so great - there was crying and PU/PD for another 30 minutes afterwards!
I'm thinking it's time to drop the DF - thoughts?
She currently BFs 4 times through the day plus the DF, so 5 times total. She also has 2 solid meals a day (breakfast and dinner). I was thinking of going to 3 meals a day, but have no idea where to fit it in as "lunch" would end up being at 2-2:30pm!
I've read some other posts and it sounds like at this age, a lot of EBF babies are getting 5-6 feeds through the day. If I drop the DF, will she be getting enough?