Author Topic: Oversupply and new early morning wakings  (Read 959 times)

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Oversupply and new early morning wakings
« on: May 06, 2014, 21:02:28 pm »
My LO is little over 4 months old and about a week ago we got onto 4/4. We had been moving slowly towards it to that point but last week she suddenly stayed awake longer, napped longer and seemed to be actually eating at feedings instead of getting bored so quickly. I thought we were in the clear! But a few nights ago she stated waking in the early ams and the times are erratic - 415, 515, 430. ( btw, can anyone answer what constitutes as habitual? How close together do the times have to be?) anyway, when I go in to get her at 7, she is not at all hungry (so maybe I shouldn't have fed her?) and us either still super sleepy or crying she is so tired. I would happily move routine back but she is still having longer awake times and having solid naps (most of the time) so I don't know that she needs it? Also she doesn't usually wake crying, she makes noises for 15-30ins then starts... Does this mean she isn't hungry? Or should I be feeding when it's just noises? Also, she is very upset when nap time routine starts-and she never used to be, it's very distressing.
I'm also still doing dreamfeed but it's more of a wake feed now since she is wide awake by the time I get her to the chair- it was much easier when she was swaddled. I should also mention that I have a huge huge oversupply of milk (the doctor wants to put me on birth control to decrease it) so I know she is getting enough/ as much as she wants at each feed. How do I make dreamfeed less disruptive? How do I get her to sleep through to 7 like she used to?

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Re: Oversupply and new early morning wakings
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 14:55:53 pm »
How long is she awake before you start the wind down routine for the nap? Just wondering if she is UT.

She is still young so it isn't uncommon to need a DF and NF at night.many are having more at this age. Can you delay the first day feed a bit if she isn't hungry on morning wake up? So maybe feed her an hour later or whenever she seems hungry?

Could she be having the 4mo growth spurt perhaps?

Did you recently wean the swaddle? That often makes sleep worse for a bit.

What about moving the DF a tad earlier to catch her in a different stage of her sleep cycle?

It is really common for LOs to start waking again around 4mo having previously slept through because their sleep patterns change and they spend less time in deep sleep.

You could try wake to sleep an hour before the typical wakings but tbh if the wakings are up to an hour apart then that isn't really habitual I wouldn't say. Habitual wakings are usually much closer together, 20-30 mins max in variation I'd say.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011