LOL no worries Sara... 4 IS crazy though, for so many reasons!!!

He naps from 1-3, that's been pretty stable for a while.
BT is usually at 7:30 but can be as late as 8 depending on the routine that night. I've tried earlier BT at 7 but it doesn't help him fall asleep earlier, except if he's really tired for some specific reason. I'd say on average it takes him about 1h to fall asleep lately. He's usually not 'disturbing' i.e. he stays in his room, will sing, talk, flap his feet on the wall, etc, but not requiring external help from us.
His normal waking time used to be 6:45 but now it's often earlier, I guess from the OT that's creeping in. Last night BT was at 8, he fell asleep maybe around 9:45, he cried out at 5 but fell back asleep until 6:20. Short night!
What would you tweak?