My 20 month old DS drinks almost nothing in a day. It's slowly gone downhill... he used to drink an 8 oz. sippy of milk and probably about the same amount of water. Lately he's been drinking maybe 2-3 oz. of milk and maybe 4 oz. of water. I just don't know how to get this boy to drink. I've given him a beaker, which he'll drink a LITTLE more with, but he wants to take it everywhere, and I've made a rule that it has to stay at the table, so that's not helping matters (he spills water constantly if he's not sitting). I've tried giving him a sippy cup in the stroller, a sippy in the car, a sippy cup while reading stories, watching t.v.... you name it, nothing works. Just worried that he's not getting the fluid he needs and would love some suggestions.
*I have offered diluted juice which makes him drink a tiny bit more, but I really don't want to get in the habit of only offering juice or that's all he'll want. I've also tried smoothies, which used to be a big hit, but aren't anymore.