Author Topic: EWings - can't seem to fix them.  (Read 712 times)

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Offline momma.bear

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EWings - can't seem to fix them.
« on: May 20, 2014, 00:03:23 am »
My 20 month old DS has been having EWings for the past 5+ weeks now, anywhere from 5:15am to 5:45, and maybe twice he's slept till 6am. I'm looking to go back to work, and could possibly be going back in as early as two weeks and really want to stop these early mornings so I can go to bed at night at a decent time, knowing I can sleep until at least 6am.
Here's what our routine looks like:
5:30ish WU
12:30-2:00/2:15 nap (almost ALWAYS wakes up after about 1 hour/1.25 hours and will then go back to sleep after I resettle him)
6:30/7pm BT

I've tried pushing his nap back even later, till 1pm, but he's just plain miserable. In fact, if we go anywhere in the car in the morning, even if it's only 9am, he will fall asleep after sometimes only 5 mins of driving. So he's obviously tired, but keeps waking up SO early.
He has been cutting his canines, but they have all poked through now, just not sure how long there's discomfort after they come through.
I've also tried BT as early as 6pm on days where there were very early wake ups and/or poor naps, and he's gone down no problem, and will never wake up earlier than 5:15ish.

Would love to hear some suggestions. I would roll with these EWings if I knew he wasn't needing the sleep, but him falling asleep in the car is sure sign that he's tired. I've tried resettling him after his EWings, but he'll start crying again about 5 mins after I resettle. I can repeat the resettling for several times some mornings, but eventually I just get him up. He always says 'done' when he wants to get up in the morning, and that's when I know he's not going back to sleep. There have been days where he wakes at 5am, and I resettle him and he goes back to sleep until 5:45, but not often.

I'm just worried he isn't getting the sleep he needs. According to this site, he should be getting 13.5 hours. He's getting 12-12.5.  :(
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 00:12:10 am by momma.bear »

Offline Mama2Athena

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Re: EWings - can't seem to fix them.
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 04:18:19 am »
The EWs are no fun.  Prior to going to 1 nap, my DD used to wake between 5 and 5:30 every morning for months on end.  Since going to 1 nap, her WU has shifted to 6/6:15 but her BT is also a bit later than your DS.  Sometimes she'll sleep in until 6:30/7:00 but not very often.  So I'm probably not the best person to advise you on getting a later WU.  But I do want to add that ever since 13/14 months, my DD has been getting around 12-12.5 hours total sleep.  I think her sleep needs are average or maybe a little lower though.  Here is her routine for the last year.

WU 6/6:15
Nap 12:30-2:30
BT 7:45/8

If we're driving close to her nap time (usually 11:30 or later), she will sometimes nod off. 

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Re: EWings - can't seem to fix them.
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 05:26:26 am »
Hi again!

It was just last week that you posted this....

Early Wake ups - improvement!

Sometimes you get glitches IMO for no apparent reason. Personally I think you need to stay consistent with your routine and not be tweaking constantly. Ime it doesn't help - LOs can't fathom what it is they are meant to be doing.

Anyway, that's my two pennies worth!! Good luck  :)