Author Topic: Struggling - Dread the weekends  (Read 1235 times)

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Struggling - Dread the weekends
« on: May 28, 2014, 16:22:54 pm »
I am one who strives and thrives when there is a clear routine for my LO.  Baby #3 is 3 months, 3 weeks and currently at daycare and we are struggling with EASY.  I did the EASY routine with my first two kids and although it was a rough to start we easily got on track and my kids quickly benefited from the EASY.  MY LO is at daycare for another 3 weeks (I am a teacher and almost out of school for the summer).  I am struggling because there is not a clear routine.  There are some constants that we are doing...for example: I am waking him at 6:15ish everyday and he eats and at bedtime we start our routine at 6:30 with a bath and bedtime routine and then typically he is in is bed by 7 to drift off.  He doesn't always go to sleep on his own but I have been trying to instill independent sleep.  Also we do a sort of modified EAS - being that he doesn't get fed (daycare or at home) and go right to sleep. 

My biggest issue is that I really have no idea other than cues and guesstimating when he should go down for a nap during the weekends when we are home together.  What ends up happening is that I have an OT baby who only wants to take 45 minute naps.  At daycare he is taking a 2-3 hour nap and then maybe a shorter one during the day as well.  I am not sure if I just don't like not having control but its becoming that I dread the weekends because I will deal with lots of crying making me feel horrible, him feel horrible and stressed out.  I want to do EASY but at this point I am not sure where/how to start, if I should wait to start or what.

I have done EASY with my other two children so I am not sure why I am having such a hard time.  AHHHH...thanks for letting me vent.

Offline danaadell

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 17:05:44 pm »
Can you ask daycare to follow your schedule? My mom takes care of LO twice a week and I print out a schedule for her to follow (or at least try to).  Then have them write down what happens..
Warren Henry -- 2/7/14

Offline jnduff

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 17:16:17 pm »
Yeah I can...I am sure she would try to follow what I have in place.  It may be a bit difficult since she has others to care for but she would probably be on board.  She just sort of lets him do whatever during the if today he slept from 8:30-11 and the 1-2 it would be fine but then tomorrow it could be drastically different.  I do know that she is not feeding him and putting him to sleep which I felt was good.

At this point I don't even know where to start.   He can go a long time between feeds but not sure if I should start at a 3, 3.5, or 4 hour easy???  I typically only send 2 bottles...he is EBF.

Any suggestions?  Should I look at a sample EASY for 4 months?

Offline danaadell

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 17:29:48 pm »
Heres my schedule:
WU 730
E 730
S 9:00-10:00
E 10:00
S 11:30-12:30
E 1:00
S 2-3:00
E 4:00
S 5-6:00 --> crap nap (usually only 30 minutes)
E 6:30
BT 8pm (top off nursing at this time as well)

I just posted in the EASY forum because I think we are ready to go to 3.5 hour EASY but our short naps are holding us back! He is EBF as well and we do a DF at 10:30 and still have one MOTN wake up (around 2-3 am) so I may not be a great source!
Warren Henry -- 2/7/14

Offline jnduff

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2014, 17:53:00 pm »
WOW...I actually just read your other post!  I was waiting to see if anyone responded because we are pretty much in the same boat as you.  Most days he won't do a catnap after daycare to get him through...I see you wrote crap nap!  I was wondering the same thing about a 3, 3.5 or 4 hour easy.  But I am realizing it is not the going between feeds as much as can they stay awake that I getting that right?

We are up earlier than you and go to bed earlier but pretty close...So your LO must be able to stay away for 1.5 hours.  I have 2 other children (6 yo and 3 yo) so we are coming and going as well....ahh this is so difficult.  I keep thinking that if I stayed home all day and didn't work or go anywhere it would all be perfect and he would take 2 naps a day and be great....however...I know that is not entirely true!

Thanks for the insight.

Offline jnduff

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2014, 18:01:19 pm »
OH MY....I just saw your post again and was your LO born on 2/7/14???? MINE WAS TOO....that was weird and crazy.  We are talking about the same age little guys!  Small world.

Offline danaadell

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 01:46:16 am »
That's a coincidence!

Hah- that's hilarious! I've thought the same thing that I'd stay home all day I could get him to nap perfectly but we all live in the real world and have stuff to do! :-)

I really want to get to 3 naps per day! I think he's ready. Yea he's at 1.5 hours awake time and I'm trying to get to 2 hours in the next couple weeks with the hopes of getting his naps longer. Fingers crossed.
Warren Henry -- 2/7/14

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Re: Struggling - Dread the weekends
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 06:29:54 am »
Hi guys, it does sound to me like  jnduff your LO is ready for a longer EASY pattern, those 45 minute naps sound undertired rather than OT to me.

The transition can be taken gradually or you can try going up to 3.5 hours in a jump and then onto 4 later but whether an LO would cope with that will depend on his temperament. If he's a textbook or angel baby he's more likely to cope with jumps in A time.

If you want to post your Easy at the weekend we can look at it, but I think you have the right idea so far.
~ Naomi ~