I am one who strives and thrives when there is a clear routine for my LO. Baby #3 is 3 months, 3 weeks and currently at daycare and we are struggling with EASY. I did the EASY routine with my first two kids and although it was a rough to start we easily got on track and my kids quickly benefited from the EASY. MY LO is at daycare for another 3 weeks (I am a teacher and almost out of school for the summer). I am struggling because there is not a clear routine. There are some constants that we are doing...for example: I am waking him at 6:15ish everyday and he eats and at bedtime we start our routine at 6:30 with a bath and bedtime routine and then typically he is in is bed by 7 to drift off. He doesn't always go to sleep on his own but I have been trying to instill independent sleep. Also we do a sort of modified EAS - being that he doesn't get fed (daycare or at home) and go right to sleep.
My biggest issue is that I really have no idea other than cues and guesstimating when he should go down for a nap during the weekends when we are home together. What ends up happening is that I have an OT baby who only wants to take 45 minute naps. At daycare he is taking a 2-3 hour nap and then maybe a shorter one during the day as well. I am not sure if I just don't like not having control but its becoming that I dread the weekends because I will deal with lots of crying making me feel horrible, him feel horrible and stressed out. I want to do EASY but at this point I am not sure where/how to start, if I should wait to start or what.
I have done EASY with my other two children so I am not sure why I am having such a hard time. AHHHH...thanks for letting me vent.