Author Topic: Need help for 7 week old!!!  (Read 1026 times)

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Offline ideazec

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Need help for 7 week old!!!
« on: June 18, 2014, 17:20:44 pm »
Hello guys!

I've been implementing EASY on my now 7 week baby (coming to 8th week soon) for more than a week and we have managed to cut down the night feed to 1 feed instead of the previous 2-3 feed.

I have a few questions hoping for some answers:-

1) If 7 week baby displays sleepy cues right after feeding, sometimes even sleeping through the feed, I wake him up for activity till the allocated time and he seems to be very cranky and tough to put down to sleep when its the right time. I read that he should be able to be awake for 1-1.5hrs at this age though.
So should I follow the cues and go ahead and let him sleep?

2) Whenever I wind him down for naps and sleeps... I usually swaddle him, cradle pat and shh him. However, whenever I swaddle him, he cries like there's no tomorrow after I'm done swaddling. In the process of swaddling, he's happy as pie... Does this mean I should not swaddle him?
He sometimes abruptly falls asleep after crying.

3) I tried putting him on his crib when he's drowsy and patt and shh him, but I've never managed to get him to sleep like that. He would spring wide awake. If I put him down when he's totally gone, he's able to sleep. However, he would wake 1-2 times wanting to be carried. Please advise on whats the best way to correct this?

As such... his naps during daytime have not been able to be a continuous nap. He wakes 1-2 times every nap. Before, he was able to sleep 2-3hrs nap but now he is not able to anymore.

4) So if I successfully manage to patt and shh him in his crib, how long should I do it for? Or should I stop the moment he no longer moves..(deep sleep)?

Appreciate all your replies!

 ??? ??? ??? ???

Offline ideazec

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Re: Need help for 7 week old!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 13:14:23 pm »

Also, is it normal for a baby to lose their feeding cues? He used to show hunger signs quite obviously, now he doesn't even root. When my finger brushes his lips, they open no matter if he's hungry or not.

Has anyone mastered the art of deciphering baby cry meanings?
I'm recording them down and trying to identify them.

Offline Isabella123

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Re: Need help for 7 week old!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2014, 22:11:51 pm »
I'm not sure if I'm going to be much help but I've started easy and shush pat last week. When I started shush pat I winded down LO after the first or second yawn by walking around bedroom for a few mind and just talking quietly to him. Then told him it's sleepy time and put him in cot. Wide awake. Was terrified the first time as I usually held him to sleep. The first few days were tough and shush pat could take an hour and half. He cried a lot first day but after a week the time is down to 20 mins and he's getting used to it. I'm afraid sometimes he only naps 45 mins tho.
It's tough but it does get easier and I'm looking forward to the day when I can put him down and he self settles!