My LO is just now 18 mos. He drinks his milk out of a sippy cup during the day, but has been really attached to his nighttime bottle. He knows exactly when its time, throws down his lovey and pacifier, and cries until he has his bottle. Recently he starting to get a little less demanding about it. Between that and turning 18 mos, I decided its time to phase out the bottle completely.
Tonight we put it in a sippy cup and he took a couple sips, said thank you, handed it to me, and grabbed his pacifier. I tried a different cup and he drank a couple ounces, said thank you and handed it to me again. I don't think this is a bad thing, but I'm confused on when and how much they should be drinking. I've read 16-20oz and no more than 24. Currently he drinks 5-6oz along with his early afternoon snack and late afternoon snack, and then an 8oz bottle during story time before bed. When is a good time to give them milk? When should I be giving him the other 6oz, if he's no longer drinking milk before bedtime? What is the ultimate goal?
Thanks so much for your experience here!!