Hey all, hoping someone of you would mind sparing the time to share your expertise! I posted this on the picky eaters supported thread but don't think anyone is active on there at the mo (am I the only momma struggling?!) so thought I'd start a new post. Here's what I wrote:
Hi, I can't believe I'm posting here! DS (2.5) has always been a great eater and I thought that was the one thing we weren't going to have an issue with but no..! I would really appreciate people sharing their approaches, at the moment I have stuck to making just the one meal and trying to keep the variety going although it is so hard not to stick to the things I know he will eat. I don't make him eat anything, I tell him he can get down whenever he's finished. What he's doing all the time at the moment though is pushing away his main meal and just wanting pudding (usually some version of yoghurt, rice pudding, custard, fruit etc..) so I have been saying he can have that if he has some of his main meal but otherwise he can get down if he wants. This always upsets him but I have been sticking to it whilst trying not to make it seem like a punishment you know. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he would live on yoghurt and fruit. It feels like I'm getting into a power struggle by doing that and I really don't want to make food an emotional/power thing.... I just don't know what else to do. I've tried having the conversation about needing to eat things in moderation to stay healthy and have energy to play but to be honest I think this goes over his head so it's hard for me to make this not seem like a punishment. Argghhh. Sorry rambling! Really interested in what other peoples approach is.
Can anyone share their thoughts? Is there a better way to go?