Author Topic: What to eat while BF  (Read 1041 times)

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What to eat while BF
« on: July 21, 2014, 19:30:10 pm »
C is very sensitive to what I eat so no dairy and I've noticed veggies give terrible problems as well. I had asparagus last night and he was a fussy boy with lots of spit up for a while today so that's what I'm thinking it was the first time I've had it since he was born. So...if no dairy and I'm assuming green veggies,  what can I eat that's healthy? I've got the lactose free milk which is great but as far as I know I can't survive off of that alone lol!!


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Re: What to eat while BF
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 02:22:57 am »
I wouldn't jump to cut out all green veggies just based on asparagus really. If dairy is an issue for him then I would probably forgo even the lactose free milk as generally babies are intolerant to the milk protien and not the lactose. I loved almond milk when I was dairy free (the chocolate version is yummy in coffee!).

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Re: What to eat while BF
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2014, 09:37:02 am »
(Wrote this last night but gremlins wouldn't let me post so here goes now...)

Feel free to roll your eyes and say "I know that" but if you want to be dairy free, that lactose free milk is not what you need.  It is lactose free but still dairy.  (And I say that as someone who was lactose intolerant but then had to give up all dairy, no fun!) If you are going dairy free then you need a dairy free milk like coconut, soy, almond milk, something like that.  There are good soy and coconut based yoghurts out there and also good soy ice cream :)  If the lactose free is ok, then look out for lactose free cheeses.  They exist in the UK, but maybe not in Florida.  I'd take a trip to a good health food store if you can.

Otherwise, you want to be thinking about eating good fats and protein. Eggs. Avocados are great, and personally I ate tons of nut butters for bfing, peanut butter is a personal favourite but almond butter is yummy too.  Fresh carrots, cucumbers and hummus make a great snack. All those nut butters and hummus are good sources of calcium. You could also add some tofu into your diet, the smoked stuff is very tasty.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: What to eat while BF
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2014, 19:23:56 pm »
As pp says I wouldn't eliminate a whole food type based on one green vegetable. Maybe keep a food diary and cut out foods one by one if you see a reaction. If you go dairy free it may take a few weeks to stop seeing symptoms while the milk proteins work their way out of first hour milk and then your baby's system.

Are you getting any guidance from a medical professional before cutting out foods?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: What to eat while BF
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2014, 01:29:53 am »
Hey ladies thanks for all the advice...I thought the lactose free milk would be ok but it absolutely makes sense that the milk protein is the problem. I didn't mind the vanilla almond but I've also heard the almond coconut blend is good so maybe I'll try that. I'm such a big milk drinker.. The soy just didn't do it. I assumed most green veggies based on what gives most people broccoli especially I was going to avoid. I'm just terrified to eat anything right now bc his gas really gives him big issues and the spit up gets a little out of control. Today was a much better day and I kept track of what I ate yesterday so I'll try new things and just keep track and watch for issues
