I'll start by saying I'm absolutely no expert on any of this, so take it with a grain of salt..
I just decided one day to not give LO his dreamfeed and see how long he went (usually I'd wake him up for that) and he just went all the way to 5 in the morning. Until that time, he was eating at 10:30 and 2:30 at night. After a few nights of this, I started dreamfeeding him again because he was losing weight, and he was used to the longer stretch so he did the rest of the night. This was, however, when he was 12 weeks old and he was only on formula. He was also a very big baby drinking over 48 oz. a day.
I think formula babies can last longer, but I don't think it's usual for 7.5 month babies to actually be hungry that much at night anymore if he's getting enough milk per day (and I guess there's no way to actually check how much he's getting since he won't take a bottle). Have you tried pumping and seeing how much can come out in one go? Sorry - again I have no idea about breast feeding.
My baby has 7 teeth already, and he chews pretty well with his gums. He started disliking smoothly pureed foods about a month ago, so I switched to mashed. I have put chicken and ground beef (cooked) in the food processor, and I mix it with a vegetable and a starch for his 3:30 meal. He also eats not-too-spicy foods I make for my own dinner (casseroles, pastas, couscous), although I usually mash them, too. He also enjoys chewing on rice rusks or toast with butter, though I don't think much of that actually stays in him. I read "Bebe Gourmet," and I realized how many different foods a baby can actually eat at this age. It is a pretty book, and it was helpful for me.
I freeze veggies, canned fruit, meat, etc. in ice cube trays. Then for a supper meal, I give one cube of each: veggie, meat, starch. Breakfast is 2 scoops of baby rice and fruit in some formula. Lunch is 2 tablespoons baby oats, one tablespoon yogurt, and one cube of fruit.
Again, this is what works for me and for him. We had pediatrician's approval on an early wean because he was drinking so much formula and he was such a big baby. He night-weaned long before starting solids, though.
As for night weaning, my only (weak) suggestion would be to not feed every time he cries. Go in and reassure him and sit with him and pat him, and try to get him to hold out a half hour or fifteen minutes longer each time.
Good luck and hang in there. Maybe a moderator will help you out and give you more help.