The guides in the UK are to only give full fat milk and foods until age 2, then semi-skimmed milk can be given. At 5yo low-fat or no-fat foods can be given if weight gain and food variety/amount is good (for convenience lower fat milks and dairy can be used in cooking as it isn't the main food)
I personally wouldn't give a nonfat yoghurt unless it was something you just used in cooking as it will fill her tummy and not give the fat and calories that are needed unless it was a very small serving along with fruit or something so it isn't filling her up. I think I'd rather give a milk drink or some cheese at snack time, or something non-dairy like a cracker or fruit?
Mine couldn't have yoghurt as it made his reflux flare up, I sometimes stirred up some cream cheese (to make it slacken) instead and served it with some fruit, he called it 'cream' and loved it.