Hi, I really hope you can give me some advice, our 2 year old is waking six times a night since Christmas, he used to go until 2am ish, he will scream and scream until he gets a bottle, goes maybe 1 and half hours then up again, I know its association with the bottle, he eats well in day, and I have tried putting water in bottle , reducing the amont, or giving him sippy cup with soft teat, but he wont have it and we are so tired we give him the bottle, he doesnt have a nap in he day anymore either, he just uns around his room, and when we put him down at night after his bath, he runs around, and we put him straight back in to bed without saying anything and he laughs. We have neighbours both sides, god knows what they think when he is crying at night, I am at my wits end. Please can you help with some advice, thanks