My daughter is 9 weeks old now and has napped longer than 45 minutes probably two or three times in her life. We started trying to follow EASY a few weeks ago but I'm having issues figuring out what to do when she wakes up from her naps.
I try to put her down after roughly 1h to 1h15min A time. She wakes up crying after 45min of napping and I try to shush her to sleep for 10-20mins. Once she's awake usually she cries until I feed her again, sometimes I can get her to go 15-30min after getting up before I have to feed her. She's formula fed and eats roughly 90-120ml per feed.
A sample day for us:
8 - E
9 - S
9:55 - wakes crying, try to shush back to sleep for 20min
10:30 - E
11:35 - S
12:15 - wakes crying, try to shush back to sleep for 15min
12:30 - E
1:55 - S (walk in stroller)
3 - wakes crying, head home
3:15 - E
4:20 - S
5:05 - wakes crying, don't try to shush
5:30 - E
fusses all evening until
7:30 - E
8 - S
Night wakings are usually between 12-1 and 3-5. I don't do a dreamfeed as I usually head off to bed myself as soon as I've sterilised bottles etc as I'm exhausted, so no point in doing it at 9pm I don't think?
Is 2-2.5 hours between feeds normal for a 9 week old? How can I get her to go 3 hours if she won't nap longer than 45min?