Yeah. He was teething. Number 7 is out now. Gulp.
I tried extending his 1st nap this morning by 15min and he's still asleep! (hurray! 2hours)
However, I tried extending yesterday's 2nd nap and he went berserk. We were out so I assumed he'd sleep in his stroller or in the car, but the lull just sent him into a melt down resulting in a very long A time, like 5hours.
All to say, I am tweaking away at his A time.
I feel like I worry so much about his schedule and getting enough sleep. Maybe because I'm a first-time mom. But, how do Moms do it who kinda just flow with it? I know so many who take their babies along to evening outings and I just watch enviously as I sit at home for yet an other dull evening.